^O892 -R 我出现的问题是可以即时存盘和读取记录,但是游戏里记录却无法读取,载入SRAM也不行~而且有时候出现即时存盘的记录读取失败,找不到了~
Zqam Iq 光明力量玩了有一半了,即时记录找不到了,难道要重新玩吗?
R!$j_H 模拟器的ISO是这里下载的
R~Xl(O http://snesorama.us/board/showthread.php?t=48236&highlight=GenPlusGX /Zv }u 看了下作者关于genplus的PDF文档,关于SRAM 和state save
GB[W'QGiq 0W=IuPDU SRAM Manager
PS=crU@"H Let you load/save SRAM data from/to the selected device. SRAM files are only generated when the
,sLV6DM game have an internal saving feature. The SRAM data corresponds to the data saved by the game
eY4 and will be used to later restore you progression.
b$gDFNa STATE Manager
c9Uj g]d"d Let you load/save SaveState data from/to the selected device . SaveState files is a feature that does
bu>C not exist on real hardware and will let you save and restore your progress in ANY games, even those
8:M~m]Z+| which don’t have internal saving feature. The SaveState data can be seen as a snapshot (or “freeze”
(4c<0<"$ state) of the current emulation state. Once restored, you will be able to continue your game at the
UJ6WrO5#kB exact point where you leaved it.
x3r 象SRAM,我将它存到记忆卡里了,可为什么读出来的记录就是新游戏呢?不是正常存盘的记录,好奇怪和无奈哦。。。
HVu_@[SYR3 已自己解决了
[ 此帖被kage在2009-10-14 22:25重新编辑 ]