9pk<=F 我出现的问题是可以即时存盘和读取记录,但是游戏里记录却无法读取,载入SRAM也不行~而且有时候出现即时存盘的记录读取失败,找不到了~
A46y?"]/30 光明力量玩了有一半了,即时记录找不到了,难道要重新玩吗?
k|g~xmI; 模拟器的ISO是这里下载的
http://snesorama.us/board/showthread.php?t=48236&highlight=GenPlusGX M<)HJ lr 看了下作者关于genplus的PDF文档,关于SRAM 和state save
#nu?b?X' fYH%vr) SRAM Manager
5!d@Nv 2pB@qi-] Let you load/save SRAM data from/to the selected device. SRAM files are only generated when the
jmAWto}. game have an internal saving feature. The SRAM data corresponds to the data saved by the game
D&]SPhX and will be used to later restore you progression.
hZyz5aZ)K 9cj:'KG)! STATE Manager
>Ks| yNJ #|gt(p]C Let you load/save SaveState data from/to the selected device . SaveState files is a feature that does
P [gqv3V not exist on real hardware and will let you save and restore your progress in ANY games, even those
D+k5e= which don’t have internal saving feature. The SaveState data can be seen as a snapshot (or “freeze”
o,X ? state) of the current emulation state. Once restored, you will be able to continue your game at the
FfP Ce5) exact point where you leaved it.
7[8PSoo 象SRAM,我将它存到记忆卡里了,可为什么读出来的记录就是新游戏呢?不是正常存盘的记录,好奇怪和无奈哦。。。
J.*dA j 已自己解决了
[ 此帖被kage在2009-10-14 22:25重新编辑 ]