主题 : 【分享】GEN4ALL preview2 测试光盘镜像+原文件
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楼主  发表于: 2010-01-01 15:07

【分享】GEN4ALL preview2 测试光盘镜像+原文件

新年刚头一天 下午一上网

偶然发现一个 消息 DC上的 GEN4ALL 模拟器 出 preview2 版啦

[消息来源] http://dreamcast.dcemu.co.uk/gens4all-preview-2-genesis-emulator-for-dreamcast-278489.html

  1. GENS4ALL preview 2 (1/1/2010)
  2. From the creators of Gens and Neo4All comes... Gens4All!!
  3. We are happy to announce the second release of the excellent Gens emulator to the Dreamcast. Since preview 1 (March 2008), Fox and Chui have work very hard to improve it. In this new version, game compatibility has increased a lot, but there is a lot of work to be done. Please remember that this version is still alpha and things are far from perfection :)
  4. At the moment, this alpha version features the following:
  5. - Two SH4 assembly engines especially design for the DC.
  6. * FAME: Very fast M68000 emulation core written 100% in SH-4 assembly code.
  7. * FAZE: Z80 emulation core written 100% in SH-4 assembly code.
  8. - Accurate Genesis VDP emulation:
  9. * DMA transfers with accurates timings
  10. * Window plane
  11. * Sprite plane
  12. * Vertical Interrupt
  13. * Horizontal Interrupt
  14. * All rasters effects
  15. * Highlight/Shadow effects
  16. * Interlaced mode
  17. - Raw binary (.bin) and interleaved (.smd) ROM format support.
  18. - GZip, Zip and 7-Zip compressed file format support.
  19. - FM YM2612 emulation core by Stef.
  20. - PSG Maxim's emulation.
  21. - SDL Dreamcast implementation by Chui.
  22. - On-screen menu full of options (frameskip, region selector, cartridge info...)
  23. - Support for 3 and 6 pad buttons.
  24. - Multilanguage interface (i18n). This version contains English and Spanish.
  25. - Support for Game Genie and Action Replay codes is avaiable
  26. - VMU support to save games (SRAM).
  27. - VGABox support using 50/60HZ Selector.
  28. - Arcade Stick support.
  29. As a tip, some games need to activate Sound in order to work (i.e. Landstalker).
  30. A big thanks to Indiket and Neoblast to help us testing lots of games, and discover new bugs and errors. And, of course, thanks to Fox, Chui and Stef to make this a reality.

于是赶紧下来一套 制成镜像 在模拟器上测试了一下 果然不错 的说

大家有兴趣的话 也可以自己测试一下啊





由于镜像比较大 没有足够的空间 所以将文件传到 RayFile 上面了

由于在哪里放的文件说不定啥时候就没有了 所以 大家需要的话赶紧下载

关于在模拟器上运行时的说明: 先用了 nullDC 测试 失败啦  

后来换成 Makaron 竟然能玩 其他模拟器没有测试

为了怕 过期以后不能下载 所以把原始文件放到论坛上了

有需要的话 您可以自己制作镜像来用

光盘镜像下载地址 :http://www.rayfile.com/files/9bcf1b9c-f6a4-11de-aa7e-0014221b798a/

注意事项 : GEN4ALL 默认 没有开启音乐 需要手动打开
[ 此帖被glf999在2010-01-01 15:12重新编辑 ]
附件: gens4all-preview2.rar (762 K) 下载次数:72

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级别: 模拟天才
UID: 270418
精华: 1
发帖: 904
威望: 10 星
金钱: 2948 浮游币
贡献值: 823 点
好评度: 2278 点
人气: 31 点
在线时间: 1259(时)
注册时间: 2008-02-27
最后登录: 2025-03-10
沙发  发表于: 2010-01-07 09:27
