在UG上发现有人放出未发售的DC游戏HELLGATE的源代码,900多M,用Katana 9开发包应该能够运行.。据说Castlevania Dark Resurrection,Agharta,ECCO2都曾有这样的源代码流出。求问Y大和9大,手动
更新:发贴者列出了文件名称,里面没有必需的.c .h文件。回贴者说这不是源代码,只是原始数据(raw data)。他曾经汇编过海豚2的此类数据为镜像,但不能运行。
(Ok, here's a quick list of the extentions. No C or H files.
.30,.AFS,.BAK,.BMP,.BNK,.CAM,.INI,.DA,.DRV,.DPS,.HTM (Seems to be listed as "Dream Key Custom Top Page") .GIF (All tiny images, that look like film) .HCD,.ITM,.JDM,.JDS,.LCD (One file, tried it in SOFTVMS and it is a functioning DC VMU file of a burning skull) .MLT,.NJ,.NJM,.OCT,.ORG,.PAT,.PRT,.PVR,.RAW,.SFD,.STR,.TXT,.TGA,.VDS,.DAT,.BIN,.WAD.WAV)
[ 此帖被pyrofile在2009-03-06 08:52重新编辑 ]