Do not think this game is an adult game , it's just sexy...and of course , rated as
M ( MATURE - 18+ ..well some place this is 15+).
Screenshots : Click on images to enlargeMovies : Intro: 复制代码-
Gameplay: 复制代码-
Info : Name : Duke Nukem Time to kill
Developer : N-Space
Publisher : Atari
Language : English
Genre : TPS
Date : 04/27/01
Player : 1

Animated Blood and Gore,
Animated Violence,
Strong Sexual Content
Emulation : 引用
ePSXe : Works fine , when swimming I think it's a little slow.
pSX emulator : haven't tested .
Reviews : ( From GameFAQ - thanks to
King Broccoli )
"It's not bad, but it's been done better sooooo many times."
This is a game that suffers from the flood of third person adventure games. It was good, had some great ideas and was fun to play. It just couldn't compete with the big names like Tomb Raider and Syphon Filter.
The graphics are very nice. They could even be superior to the games listed above. Showing the back of Duke for the first time was a risk worth taking, him and the rest of the game look damn good.
The character design is great, not too blocky at all, and you can always tell which enemies your blowing away. The animations all look nice, and all the sick and twisted people out there will find a satisfactory amount of the red stuff and flying body parts to keep them happy.
The sound is also very good. There's not many people who would dislike all of Duke's classic sayings, and you won't be disappointed, there's an abundance of them. The background music however is rather plain and less memorable than some other parts of the game. Also the gunshots and other various weapons are a bit wimpy.
The gameplay is a mixed bag. The single player modes are a bit iffy. There are some good ideas, but the controlling of Duke will have you throwing your controller and screaming. It's just really hard to get him to do what you want him to. Once you get past this problem however, you will find a challenging and fun game, however the control can often completely ruin the game.
The multiplayer modes are huge fun though. There's a ton of weapons and different levels for you to blow up your friends in. Very few multiplayer modes on the Playstation come close to this one. Definitely worth a try if you can find yourself a friend.
The lifespan depends on your tastes. If you hate these kinds of games then you shouldn't even be reading this. If you mildly enjoy these games the single player might put you off, but you'll be multiplaying for weeks. But if you LOVE these kinds of games then this will stay in your console until you find buy Syphon Filter or any other third person game (for some this could be a really long time, but you won't care)
Overall, I believe that this game is worth getting if you have lots of friends you wanna blow up. But if you've got some of the better titles out there, it's better just to avoid it.
My Reviews : Have you read about Duke land of babes , this one is almost the same...
Download Nope... Have a nice day .