主题 : [上传完毕][DC][E]headhunter(西班牙的LAILLAS制作的完整版)
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 117240
精华: 0
发帖: 311
威望: 5 星
金钱: 3851 浮游币
贡献值: 76 点
好评度: 815 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 226(时)
注册时间: 2006-03-26
最后登录: 2024-05-09
楼主  发表于: 2007-02-20 01:48


release notes:
  ###     ###   ### ###   ###     ###   ######
  ###     ## ##   ### ###   ###   ## ##   ###  
  ###     ## ## ### ###   ###   ## ##   ###  
######## ####### ### ####### ####### ####### #######
######## ##   ## ### ####### ####### ##   ## #######
*                                     *
*             Game: Head Hunter             *
*                                     *
*   Console:   Dreamcast     System:   PAL       *
*   Language: Multi         Released: 01/02/02   *
*   Files:   33x19 / 36x19   Format:   DJ3 2x80"   *
*   Ripped by: ZeNeK         Ripped:   See info   *
*                                     *
* --------------------------------------------------- *
*                                     *
* Game Info:                             *
*                                     *
*   You are Jack Wade, a man with profession as a     *
*   bounty hunter for the Anti-Crime Network. In the   *
*   futuristic world, commiting crimes results in a   *
*   debt owned to the state, and it's up to you collect *
*   on those debts. If criminals are short on money,   *
*   body parts are accepted in lieu of cash payment.   *
*   The game takes palce in a futuristic Los Angeles   *
*   where you travel by motorcycle to execute your     *
*   enemies.                             *
*                                     *
* --------------------------------------------------- *
*                                     *
* Rip Info:                             *
*                                     *
*   Another hard work. This title had the same video   *
*   codec as Alone in the Dark. But another time     *
*   LAILLAS made it! 2 CDs without ripping any file!!   *
*                                     *
*   - CD swap works as the original.             *
*   - Movies were captured with a TV turner card,     *
*   downsampled and converted to 4XM format.       *
*   - Audio downsampled.                     *
*   - Some spanish strings were fixed.             *
*                                     *
* WARNING!!!                             *
*                                     *
*   Due to the massive load while reading the videos.   *
*   Please, BURN THESE ISOS AT 10x MAX!!!           *
*   Tested with higher speeds and some videos and     *
*   cinematics were skipped.                   *
*                                     *
*   Laillas site: http://dehookworld.da.ru (spanish)   *
[ 此贴被kelela在2007-02-20 22:17重新编辑 ]
  • 金钱:50(YZB)
  • YZB
    级别: 超级版主

    UID: 12451
    精华: 6
    发帖: 19084
    威望: 173 星
    金钱: 2500 浮游币
    贡献值: 10016 点
    好评度: 54830 点
    人气: 4322 点
    在线时间: 19463(时)
    注册时间: 2004-10-02
    最后登录: 2024-10-05
    沙发  发表于: 2007-02-20 10:02

    级别: 超级版主

    UID: 12451
    精华: 6
    发帖: 19084
    威望: 173 星
    金钱: 2500 浮游币
    贡献值: 10016 点
    好评度: 54830 点
    人气: 4322 点
    在线时间: 19463(时)
    注册时间: 2004-10-02
    最后登录: 2024-10-05
    板凳  发表于: 2007-02-20 15:09
