主题 : 【求助】双核与游戏的问题
级别: 模拟小生
UID: 568
精华: 0
发帖: 181
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2255 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 325 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 172(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-27
最后登录: 2012-08-04
楼主  发表于: 2007-02-19 23:13


级别: 模拟之星
UID: 173955
精华: 0
发帖: 577
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2099 浮游币
贡献值: 2 点
好评度: 1500 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 201(时)
注册时间: 2007-02-06
最后登录: 2010-10-03
沙发  发表于: 2007-02-19 23:46

Um...My Chinese is not good so if I'm misunderstanding anything please forgive me...

1.For GBA , PS and N64 , you don't need a strong PC but for SS ( especially SSF ) you will need a powerful PC to play the games in normal speed...
2.For old games , computer 's kind is not neccesary , just remember to install Windows 98 .
3.Network games , nothing special , just buy a new computer . modern computers are all well-equipped , they' re ready for you .

That's all.