主题 : 【注意】2.71固件用引导程序DEVHOOK模拟1.5,运行ISO成功!
Magic Load
级别: 论坛版主

UID: 9029
精华: 3
发帖: 7085
威望: 32 星
金钱: 360062 浮游币
贡献值: 8834 点
好评度: 13777 点
人气: 1606 点
在线时间: 1858(时)
注册时间: 2004-07-08
最后登录: 2015-03-25
楼主  发表于: 2006-09-25 13:35


  1. Port of devhook (by Booster) launcher to 2.71 by Dark_AleX.
  2. Only the launcher needed to be ported, since the core prx (devhook.prx) loads fine in hen revision B.
  3. The included version of devhook is 0.45, since 0.46 seems to have problems in emulating 1.50 (this also happens in 1.50)
  4. If you want to use 0.46, you can overwrite the files in the dh folder.
  5. There is no currently firmware installer, so you'll have to get the files for firmwares "magically" :P
  6. Todo:
  7. - 2.71 direct flash (no ms emulation).
  8. Currently not available, because devhook msreboot.bin destroys the "unsign check" that reboot.bin does to the files of flash.
  9. - Port the installer to 2.71
  10. Instructions
  11. - You need Homebrew Enabler for 2.71 revision B (minimum) to run this port.
  12. - Get the files to emulate firmwares yourself.
  13. - Run the pbp with the title "Devhook 0.4X launcher for 2.71". The 1.50 launcher is also included because in the emulated 1.50 you can launch it.
  14. Note: only 1.50 and 2.71 have been tested.
  15. When going from firmware 2.71 to 1.50, you will get the error "Couldn't start game".
  16. Don't worry, this is normal and it is done in purpose as a current temporal solution for reboot.bin parameters being differents in both firmwares.


