主题 : [新闻]1.22 NeoGeo Battle Coliseum测试报告
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 154
精华: 1
发帖: 480
威望: 1 星
金钱: 3578 浮游币
贡献值: 12 点
好评度: 307 点
人气: 1 点
在线时间: 80(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-25
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楼主  发表于: 2005-01-22 21:56

[新闻]1.22 NeoGeo Battle Coliseum测试报告

Beta test reports coming in for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum. Here is the summary of the reports taken from N-G.com and GameFAQs.

Orochi's name is Mizuchi, but the sprite is same as Orochi in KOF'97.
The hit sounds are same as SvC Chaos.
Fifth button (E) is used for Tag. QCF+E to do the team assault move (uses a power stock).
If you press E during guarding an attack, your player will do a guard cancel and your partner will replace you immediately. It uses 1 stock of power.
Three power stocks can be stored at one time.
One match lasts for 160+ seconds.
Mars People or Athena Asamiya appear as middle boss.
King Lion or Mizuchi is last boss.
2 or 3 spots are still unused on character select screen during beta tests. More characters?
The game has nice portraits for each character.
Backgrounds are very detailed and hi-resolution with decent animations.
The character sprites are slightly pixelated as compared to background, which are hi-resolution. However, not as bad as KOF Neowave.
The effects for desperation moves and specials are better than KOF.
Each character has four colors.
Camera zooms in and out during fights.
Intro is just a slide show of still images, with very little movement.
The winning quotes are fairly long and new.
The announcer says "No Escape" and "Fight" before the fight starts.
Throws are done with two buttons (C+D). Throw escape is also done with same buttons.
When one player is fighting, the resting player recovers health rapidly.
Bar Management and Tagging play most important roles in winning fights.
Tagging is less powerful than KOF2003.
There is no run, only dash step forward. Done by tapping forward twice.
You can also do guard cancel step forward by tapping forward twice during block. It has tougher timing than SvC Chaos and uses a portion of power gauge.
Super Cancels are also in the game. Same rules as KOF.
Weak hits stuns are longer. (KOF98 fans should be happy!)
Each character has his own guard crush gauge, which does not regenerates while a character is resting.
When you do not tag for a while, you enter into a Auto Charge mode. During it, your power gauge automatically fills until you perform a tag.
If you stay in Auto Charge mode for a while and perform a tag after sometime, you partner will be in Hyper Charge mode. It increases damage of your character.
Almost everyone (other than Kim and Iori) have redrawn sprites.
Mai Shiranui has redrawn face.
Mr. Karate (Ryo Sakazaki) has new standing stance with new animation for normal attacks.
Tung Fu Rue, Chonshu and Chonrei have completely redrawn sprites.
Robert Garcia has new sprite with some similar actions from his younger self.
Mars People, Shiki and Athena Asamiya have sprites from SvC Chaos.
Yuki and Robert Garcia have special intro before fight.
Robert does his high fireball with fist and low fireball with kick.
One of the Iori Yagami's alternate costume has Vice colors with blonde hair.
Kyo Kusanagi appears very powerful and damaging so far. But the damage issue will be fixed in final build.
Yuki has an air dash move.
Yuki's Beast Buster move (QCF+P) makes an energy fireball that stays there (a la Andy).
Yuki's Bakuretsuken move (QCB+P) makes him dash forward and attack.
His Submarine Screw (Dp+P) shoots energy fireball at 45 degree towards up.
His Ch鬱oky?100 Mega Beam DM (QCBx2+P) shoots a laser beam towards the end of screen. This move has invincibility at start.
Ai's Joy Joy Balloon move (A+B+C) makes her climb on a balloon. Its like a different mode.
Her other moves include: Joy Joy Block (QCF+A/C/A+C), Baseball Stars (QCB+A) and Joy Joy Party DM (QCFx2+P)
Tung Fu Rue has a new moves where muscle appears vertically over him. It hits 4 to 6 times and does not knocks the opponent down.
His F,HCF+P makes him freeze and spin.
Geese Howard's reppuken are projectiles.
Kim Kaphwan's D~U+K move is changed
Hotaru Futaba's projectile is slower than Garou:MOTW
If Mr. Big's Blaster Wave move hits the opponent in air, he can follow up with an attack.

翻译 (@……)的内容为译者注。。。

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum(@NeoGeo大乱斗)的Beta 测试报告已经出来了。这个是从N-G.com和GameFAQS的报告来的一个概述。

Orochi(@大蛇)的名字是Mizuchi(@水地/刘……?!@#),但是模型(?)还是跟KOF 97里的大蛇一样。
击打音效是跟SVC Chaos里面一样的。
第五个键(E)是换人,236+E 是换人攻击(消耗一个能量)。
火星人和麻宫雅典娜(@这里的这两个人都是SVC Chaos里的角色,请查看相关资料)作为关中BOSS出现。
人物模型跟高分辨率的背景比起来就显得稍有一点“马塞克”了。但是无论如何还是比KOF Neowave要好的多的。
战斗开始前旁白说的是“No Escape”和“Fight”(@这点其实跟SVC也是一样的)
Bar Management和换人在战斗中是非常重要的。
换人系统比KOF 2003的效果要弱一些。
几乎所有的人(除了金家藩和八神 庵)人物模型都重画了。
Mr. Karate(板崎 良)的站力姿态和普通攻击的动作都有改变。
火星人,色和麻宫雅典娜是跟SVC Chaos里面一样的模型。
罗卜特的高 龙击拳用拳发,低 龙击拳用腿发。
八神 庵有一个颜色是跟Vice的装束一样的,只是白头发。
草薙 京看起来很是厉害,攻击力非常高。但是这会在最终版本里被修正。
雪的Beast Buster(236+P)造一个静止在那的能量球(像是安迪)。
他的Submarine Screw(6323+P)向斜向上45度发出一个火球。
他的XXXXXXX 100 Mega Beam DM(214214+P)是向屏幕末端发射一道大激光。这招在出招时是无敌的。
Ai(@哀/爱,新角色)的Joy Joy Balloon(A+B+C)让她爬上一个气球。像是一个另外的模式(@MayLee)。
她的其它招式还包括:Joy Joy Block(236+A/C/A+C),Baseball Stars(214+A)和Joy Joy Party DM(236236+P)
金家藩的 2~8+K的姿势又变了。
Hotaru Futaba(@双叶 萤,Garou:MOTW人物)的飞行道具要比在Garou:MOTW里慢些。
Mr.Big的Blaster Wave在空中击中对手可以追打。



Here is the scan (more like a snapshot) of the Official NBC move list from Beta tests:

user posted image
级别: 模拟小生
UID: 14720
精华: 0
发帖: 189
威望: 0 星
金钱: 154 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 12 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 9(时)
注册时间: 2005-01-23
最后登录: 2024-09-13
沙发  发表于: 2005-01-24 08:24
