查看完整版本: [-- 【分享】最近下的fc模拟器游戏合集(NesterDC_v7.1_GoodNES_v3.23b) --]

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YZB 2017-09-13 22:21


This is an image of NesterDC version 7.1 for the SEGA Dreamcast, The rom set used is the GoodNES version 3.23b. This is the best NES Emulator for the SEGA Dreamcast and runs most NES games at full speed with sound. I wanted an up to date disk to play some NES games and could not find one so decided to make one myself. I have tested this on GD-EMU and it works great but it should also work fine burnt to a 74min CD-R :) Please let me know in the comments if you have success.

You can see the full list of roms used in the Games Used drop downs below. Here is a summary of the roms used. For "English" roms, all USA roms are included, then unique English games from Europe and from Australia are included. For Asian roms, All Japanese and Korean Games are included except for when they are dupes of English games this is to save space on the disk. For Translated games, The latest English translation of each game is included, no translations to other languages are included. For the Prototype games all roms from the goodset are included, the same for Public Domain and Unlicensed except for in set dupes which have been excluded to save space. No bad dumps, overdumps, trained, or hacked games are included as they are useless and would make the disk too big.


Main Menu                         Rom Menu
A = Load Rom Menu           Up      = Move Up A Rom Or Folder
X = Load Options Menu       Down  = Move Down A Rom Or Folder
B = Load Vmu Manager       Left     = Fast Scroll Up Through Rom List
Y = Display About Page       Right   = Fast Scroll Down Through Rom List

In Game                                   In Game Functions
DC X     = B Nes                        R + Y = VMU Save State Menu
DC A     = A Nes                        R + B = Memory Save State Menu
DC Y      = Select Nes                 R + A = Options Menu, Adjust Screen X/Y
DC Start = Start Nes                   R + X = System Menu, Reset Games
DC Dpad = Dpad Nes                  R + S = Select NNNesterJ Cheat Codes
DC Stick  = Toggle Frameskip      R + L + S = Save SRAM and Exit To Menu
DC L       = Toggle Autofire




百度网盘,cdi格式,支持刻盘 模拟器 未测试是否支持sd硬盘 欢迎测试
此帖售价 1 金钱,已有 50 人购买

唐大强 2017-09-22 18:45

YZB 2017-09-23 09:11

jianchun 2017-10-14 03:31

yunchou001 2017-11-08 22:11
好久没来这里了  dc现在都有硬盘机了   神器啊

我只想知道硬盘机能不能玩   fc游戏  


fantastic 2018-07-05 10:28

kevin1470 2018-08-16 03:04

snak9766 2018-10-18 21:44

cimsnl 2018-12-24 15:23
我来测试 DC 的SD卡 ISO ,QQ8693593

werety 2019-03-25 09:10

sczyq1 2019-05-25 08:31

6300092ds 2019-11-21 16:37

暖男强子 2025-02-07 02:13

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