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forte.exe 2009-04-18 19:11

At long last, Coro Coro Comics has announced the winning design of the boss contest: "Clock Genius" created by Gouta san. Details are extremely slim but if the constellation theme in the design is any indication, we might be getting ourselves a new Shooting Star Rockman title.

等了很久以后,龙漫Coro Coro终于刊登除了活动的最终结果——“时钟人”原创与一个叫做Gouta San的人。

蓝夕 2009-04-19 02:32
好吧,,,不看后面我还不知道是流星の洛克人的= =

omegazero 2009-04-19 08:55

forte.exe 2009-04-19 18:40

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