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forte.exe 2008-09-25 22:08

Well, my friends, apparently we MegaMan fans are such a hot-damn force to be reckoned with, we have literally smashed the record for most downloaded WiiWare game in a single day, as evidenced by Nintendo historical data generated from Nintendo Channel usage, with an astounding 60,000 downloads in its first day of release. According to VG Chartz.com, this result equals to outselling every single WiiWare title lifetime totals, with the notable exception of six other WiiWare games.

Now ain't that freaking swell or what?  

zxasqw 2008-09-26 10:11
如果是  X9。。。多好。。。。

yue 2008-09-26 11:32
it's Wii ware game only, not the whole libary of wii's VC, LZ stoping posting stuff if u don't know what it means

forte.exe 2008-09-26 20:04
But taboo angel say I can released this news……So I do it.

蝶翼的变动率 2008-09-27 07:18
i am a passerby only,ignore me plz

zxasqw 2008-10-11 10:17


wellso 2008-10-13 17:13
把X7复刻到2D我就谢天谢地了   - -

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