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forte.exe 2008-09-06 22:50

Kotaku's AJ Glasser spent some quality time with Rockman 9, playing it on Nyko's spiffy "Wing" Wii peripheral. AJ expressed her excitement of having SplashWoman in the game, which paved way into this interesting snippet:

"According to Capcom PR dude Tim Ng, there were going to be two female robot villains, but the second girl was scrapped because the developers didn't want fans to feel like the series was changing too much. (Oooh, scary! Two grils!)"

C'mon Inti, I would have loved to see this.

蒼真君 2008-09-07 01:52
不對..........是八Boss有兩個是女........ [s:285]  [s:285]

yue 2008-09-07 21:37
PS:很老的新闻了 [s:275]

forte.exe 2008-09-07 21:54
…………我只看到后面的TWO MASTERS前面没看,马上改

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