无心 |
2008-08-23 10:31 |
M33小组的成员Mathieulh向我们透露了破解工作的进展情况: 引用:
Right now we are still working on it and trying to figure what's changed, but next step is to dump the kirk code and pre-ipl using (expensive) hardware to find out about it. Trying to get the pre-ipl using a software approach would not be such a bad idea either if someone can figure out how to. 翻译: 目前大家还正处在破解过程之中,我们试图找出是什么发生了改变,导致神奇电池无法工作。下一步是导出KIRK(PSP加密芯片)代码和pre-ipl,不过我们可能会使用硬件手段(代价比较昂贵)来获取pre-ipl,同时研究相关的数据。如果有人能告诉我们如何使用软件来获得pre-ipl,我想这会是一个不错的主意。
好了,让我们祝福这些PSP自制软件界的英雄们,同时耐心等待 新主板破解之日的到来!
![](http://attachments.cngba.com/attachments/month_0808/20080823_a77362285f302541f8e0CcJAlkQQYh0q.jpg) |