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平凡最真1 2007-12-29 21:13

902083C0 0C07D27E

Merit value 999,999
20229DE4 0098967F

Broken enemy Goods automatic recovery
2015586C 00000000
20156400 00000000

Ship 998 attack and sink
10229DDA 000003E6

Landing ship 998 
10229DCE 000039AB

Small ship 998 
10229DD0 000039AB

Destroyer 998 
10229DD2 000039AB

Cruiser 998
10229DD4 000039AB

Spatial mother 998
10229DD6 000039AB

Submarine 998
10229DD8 000039AB

V.W ship 998
10229DDA 000039AB

Aircraft 998
10229DDC 000039AB

Week item
00229DB2 00000000

Has each kind of weapon name
201095A0 24020001
201096B0 24020001

Has each kind of goods and the quantity infinite
40229E1C 011E0001
FFFFFFFF 00000000

The ammunition is fixed
4028298C 00070001
000186A0 00000000

平凡最真1 2007-12-29 22:27

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