460212688 |
2007-12-10 15:25 |
洛克人EXE7 的试玩版出来啦 要下的快 (原创) 转载请说明 Added control selection page.
 This engine I started work on a while ago. I made a team request for help, so if anyone wants to, let me know.
If any sound effects seem too quiet, let me know which ones. If the shooting sound is looped repeatedly, it means you renamed or moved the music folder.
Remember to extract files, externals need to exist to work.
All music has been acquired in mp3 format, this game uses midis with no relation to the finished product, if they even work.
Controls are in the help file enclosed, but as many people don't get it, here they are. X - confirm, talk, use chip. Z - run, cancel, shoot. D or C - open custom screen. Enter - Pause menu. - on the keypad - Restart. And now, A, S, D, F, Q, W, E and R take you to fights with different terrains. Controls are now changeable between two sets.
All terrain now works with the following exceptions. Mets don't slide on ice. Mets gain no benefit from holy tiles. Mets are not affected by magnets.
The Netnavi tab in the pause menu includes navi customizer and arm change. Not all navi customizer parts work, but most plus parts do. The following arm change chips work. These do so by replacing your charge attack. -Buster. Standard charge shot. -Machine Buster. Rapid fire buster. -Wide Cutter. Close range wide sword. -Serchcannon (Sniper). Doesn't need to be aimed, also very powerful. -Firearm. Flamethrower, as powerful as the sniper, but capable of breaking auras. -Arrowbreak. Smashes enemy chips, enemies as yet carry no chips however. -Bugplanter. Slowly reduces enemy health, but weak at first glance. -Armbeam. High powered, long range, but slow. -Charge Bomb. I'm not sure if I got the trajectory right, so please test. -Screen Divide. Colonel's favorite, a long range sword attack. Zero's default.
Only Bass, Serchman, Megaman, Zero and Protoman are playable characters in the battle engine. Players marked unplayable cannot be used at all.
Be aware long loading times cannot be helped, as it is the game compiling all the scripts, not graphics, so if anyone abuses me, I can't help it.
Credit thus far. Me (Destroyer) (Sounds ripping, programming, custom spriter, game designer, script writer, yadayadayada. ZehBritishNazi (Graphical Support) SolarZerin (Zero Mugshot) torigara (helped me out with a sorting script, as yet not used however. Sprites INC (Primary Sprite Resource).
If you wish to support the game is the link to the banner in my sig. Now both work, so I have two now. EDIT: That one doesn't work anymore, so here's a new one.
Anybody wishing to help out, may. The engine is in the later stages, and the harder parts are done. Any helpers have the option to become mods if the game goes online.
Please note, I am unable to host any online servers. I am currently trying to resolve the problem. As such, the online segment has been slowed down.
And one more time, EXTRACT ALL FILES!
Made in , but this time I used a converter thingy so it should work on Vista.
"I love Megaman". Destroyer 加上控制選擇頁。
如果有良好的效果似乎過於安靜,讓我知道哪些。 如果射擊聲,是環反复,它意味著你改名或動議的音樂文件夾。
管制是在幫助文件密封,但由於很多人不得到它,在這裡他們的影響。 x -證實,會談中,使用的籌碼。 z -而言,取消,拍攝。 d或c組-開放風俗畫面。 進入-稍停菜單。 -鍵盤-重新啟動。 現在,一個,西署署長,法文, q ,的瓦特,電子商務和r帶你到打架不同的地形。 對照目前複雜多變的兩集。
所有的地形,現在可與下列例外。 大都會不滑冰。 紐約大都會隊贏得毫無益處,從聖石。 大都會,亦不會受磁鐵。
該netnavi統計表在稍停菜單包含navi customizer及手臂的變化。並非所有的navi customizer部分工作,但大多數人,另加部分做的。以下手臂改變芯片的工作。這些這樣做所取代,你負責進攻。 -剋星。收費標準一槍。 -機的剋星。快速消防剋星。 -廣泛刀。近距離寬劍。 -serchcannon(狙擊手) 。不必是目的,也很強大。 -槍械。 flamethrower ,作為強大的,作為狙擊手,但能夠打破auras 。 -a rrowbreak。粉碎敵人的籌碼,敵人尚未進行任何籌碼不過。 -b ugplanter。慢慢地降低敵健康,但弱乍看之下。 -a rmbeam。大功率,長程,但速度緩慢。 -負責炸彈。我不知道如果我得出了正確的軌跡,所以你必須測試。 -屏幕鴻溝。上校的最愛,在一項長程劍攻擊。零的默認。
只有低音, serchman ,街道,零和protoman是遊戲人物在戰鬥引擎。球員標誌著磁盤上不能使用於所有。
都知道,只要載入時間不能得到幫助,因為這是遊戲彙編所有劇本,而不是圖形,所以,如果有人侵犯我,我不能幫助它。 信用迄今。 我(驅逐艦) (聽起來轉存,編程,定制spriter ,遊戲設計師,劇本作家, yadayadayada 。 zehbritishnazi (圖形支持) solarzerin (零mugshot ) torigara (幫我出與整理劇本,但沒有用,但。 魍魎公司(小學雪碧資源) 。
如果你想支持的遊戲是鏈接到旗幟,在我的技術聯盟。 現在雙方的工作,讓我有兩個。 編輯:其中一個是行不通了,因此這裡的一個新問題。
"我愛街道" 。驅逐艦 下载地址:http://host-a.net/Valtzer/Undernet%20Uprising.zip |