Silmeria |
2007-09-29 09:21 |
09.29.07.Fast.Lane.Carnage.CLONE-Unleashed[逐路屠杀 克隆版]

游戏名称:逐路屠杀 英文名称:Fastlane Carnage 游戏制作:Parallax Factory 游戏发行:Frogster Interactive 游戏语种:英文 游戏类型:Racing(竞速赛车游戏) 游戏平台:PC 游戏容量:1CD 官方网址:
It's better to experience a few hours of non-stop action with atough ending and be motivated to start the whole thing again than to be bored to death by an intricate 60-hours gaming experience.
"2021. Fast Lane Carnage takes place in the shallows of themetropolis, where wealth is out of reach, where police doesn'tcome anymore. Even the cleaners don't dare coming. Most of thepeople, excluded of the corporatist system, live from the wastesand robbery of the society. Drugs rule the streets, and all thesolutions are imagined for one purpose: gaining money."
Fast Lane Carnage is a non-stop action game, an improbablecross-over between Micromachines and Quake in a Mad Max world. When you'll have enough of the tough single player experience, getthis old-school Quake action feeling with your friends (or ennemies).