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风雅小阁 2007-08-30 10:49


1、She lives off campus. 她住校外。

2、Off my sofa.给我从沙发上下来。

3、Tell her the whole thing is off. 告诉她,整件事情都取消了。

4、I am off the hook now. 我现在解脱了。

5、My girlfriend and I have been on and off, on and off for several times. 我和女友分分和和好几次了。

6、Hands off. 把手拿开。

7、Do you know how to do the timer thing? 你知道怎么用这个定时器吗?

8、Do you know where can i develop my films?你知道哪里可以冲胶卷?

9、You are very photogenic.你真上镜。

10、Finally, you are getting hitched.你终于要结婚了。


cmsim_06 2007-09-02 15:29

1314rinoa 2007-09-05 11:54

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