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无心 2007-07-05 22:00

来自pspdevs关于PSP黑客Dark Alex的消息
XXXXXX(三字经省略)!!!我现在非常火大!!我私下跟Dark Alex谈了一下,他说他离开的事是真的??!!但Dark Alex也说了Mathieu会继续努力破解那个读iso的新prx文件看看到底能不能再搞出个新OE。就目前形势来说,Dark Alex想低调,想出其不意给大家一个惊喜!同时他也想退出PSP的OE系统开发工作转而去搞PSP自制软件的开发。同时他也非常烦恼,因为SONY很强大,担心某天会惹祸上身……我们大家希望他能全心全意投入到他最后的作品中。


JohnMonsour Wrote:
This is a bunch of shit!!!!!!!!!!! It pisses me off so bad!!! I've Personally talked to d_A and he said that it was true!!!!!!!!???? Um But he said Mathieu will keep trying to decrypt that new prx and see if he can get the next oe out. D_A said he is going to release said 3.51 oe-a before he quits. He wanted big hype about it though and this is working as you can see. D_A doesnt want to talk to the public as of now because he wants it to be a suprise! Also he is going to quit his OE work with firmware and move on to coding homebrew psp. He is just kinda confused because sony is very powerful and they could shut him down any-day. Let's just hope that he really thinks about what he is about to do.

影·无所有 2007-07-05 22:20
.............低调点好  [s:274]

kofkofkofkof 2007-07-06 11:55

xiao555 2007-07-06 13:00
后来不知咋的,那人暴走了,写出了第一个可以运行Gundam G世纪的模拟器~

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