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corgan 2007-06-29 15:20


New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
DaiDaiKakumei (Japan) [Hau, Team Japump!]
CPS3 games: [David Haywood, Andreas Naive, ElSemi]
  Street Fighter III: New Generation
  Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
  Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future
  JoJo's Venture
  JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future

New clones added
The Tin Star (set 2) [David Haywood]
Car 2 (bootleg of Head On 2) [David Haywood]
Radar Scope (TRS01) [couriersud]
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus alternate [JohnBoy]
Pop Flamer (bootleg on Naughty Boy PCB) [David Haywood]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Missile Combat (Videotron bootleg) [David Haywood]
Aladdin (bootleg of Japanese Megadrive version) [David Haywood]


lzsgodmax 2007-06-29 20:52

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