Wow...Look at the pink girl...
Screenshots :
Intro : 复制代码-
GamePlay 复制代码-
Info :
Name : Eretzvaju ( a.k.a Evil Zone for U.S ) Developer : Yuke's Publisher : Yuke's Language : Japanese Genre : Action - 3DFighting Date : 01/14/99 Player : 1-2
Note : Changes between version: ( from Hardcore Gaming 101 )
引用 Along with the poor voice actors, the English version chose to ditch the three Japanese vocal songs (Intro, Ending and Erel's stage) and totally replaced them with instrumental themes. Originally, the opening and ending were sung by Masami Okui, and Erel's theme featured Kuwashima Houko. The Introduction and Erel themes are poor replacements, but the new Ending theme is a slow and sad theme which, while not necessarily a good change, is not an outright poor one like the other replaced tracks.
There are also some other minor changes, with characters ages and names altered between the Japanese and English versions. The most bizarre change was Erel's costumes being changed (poorly) in the US version to be a full body suit, as opposed to the leg-baring one piece outfit in the Japanese version. The overall effect is horrible and her original costume is still featured in animated scenes and character artwork. Ironically Ihadulca's secret costume is far more revealing then any of Erel's and remains uncensored. Even more bizarrely, the PAL version of Evil Zone does not have this outfit change and retains the original Japanese costume.
ESRB :  引用 Suggestive Themes Animated Violence
Emulation : 引用 ePSXe : Works fine . pSX emulator : haven't tested .
Reviews : ( From GameFAQ - thanks to Higashi )
引用 "I'll love to step in Iha's "zone" ANYTIME!!!"
Evil Zone... at first it sounded like some corny little game with another failed attempt at anime. I even looked at the advertising in some magazines only to see some strange guy from a shot between a schoolgirl's legs. Then I got a little happy to see the cover of the actual game with a hot looking evil girl. I figured ''Hey, maybe it's not so corny after all.'' Then my friend bought it with these words to me... ''Rick, come and see this damn game now!''
And so I did. I still kinda praise my friend for that day is the day I saw a very cool fighting game. I loved the way that they had stories in that game... each fighter having it as their own television show. I thought that was just the coolest thing that a fighting game could have. I laughed at the one word titles that Lie had, and the long ass titles that Danziver recited. I guess I can start giving this game some actual reatings.
Sound 8/10 Most of the voices were cool, and just about belonged to the character they were given to. I admit there were some voices I could live without... (Arel's cute, yet annoying yells and stuff, and that prietsess's laughing everytime you charge up). Plus during them story sceans, I couldn't help but to obviously notice the voices being WAY off! That could of been my copy though, but the voices were more off than most Jackie Chang movies. And I also admit, that sometimes Iha just doesn't sound quite right... a little too evil don't you say? Hey, she's still cute though. All and all, the voices and stuff were very cool.
Music 10/10 Man, everytime I heard the music when I was fighting... I was really into it. I couldn't help but to duck some punches thrown at me myself... hehe. This is one of them games that I give high praise for their music. It was really well done and they had each person get music that really fit them.
Backgrounds/graphis 8/10 I say the backgrounds for the most part were pretty nice. the drawings for the characters during the games was slightly above average, but I did love the intro and all the other anime scenes.
Story 10/10 I know it's hard to give a fighting game a story rating. There are very few that get that ratting (Can we say, the King of Fighters Series? good, I knew you could do it). That's why it just automatically got a ten for story.
Controls 9/10 Nice, very easy, and basic yet complicated for the advanced vs. advanced. I love the concept, two buttons. attach and block... that's it. At first, I was like ''How in the world did they did that?'' After I played, I just said ''Oh.''
OPtion and Extras 10/10 From narrator to special congrats ending... all the extras were very nice. Some unique things that I always wanted in a fighting game. Finally, my prayers were answered!
All in all, this game got a 9/10. Rent it, YES. Buy it, you may want to think about it. It IS one of them quick games that you can go through quickly. But, it is a classic keeper... one of them put up and play it games. I loved it, and I know you will too.
My Reviews :
Nope... Download Nope...
Have a nice day . |