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lzsgodmax 2006-12-24 11:09


Well, it’s that time of the year again. Time for family, gifts, and more importantly emulator releases. Merry Christmas! Yabause 0.8.0 is available for download.

glf999 2006-12-24 11:13

If you pick the Dreamcast version as listed there, you'll get the plain files for the emulator (1ST_READ.BIN). You'll need a Saturn BIOS image to go with it named saturn.bin in the root of the cd. After that, just burn it like any other selfbooting emulator, pop it in your DC, and follow the directions on screen. Performance wise, you'll get somewhere between 4 and 8 FPS most places, but only around 2 in movies. Not all games work, and some work in the PC version that will not work on the Dreamcast version. Sorry about that.

srafec 2006-12-24 14:38
天哪,DC那CPU都能4 and 8 FPS ,这效率比SSF高多了吧

lzsgodmax 2006-12-24 15:19
引用第2楼srafec2006-12-24 14:38发表的“”:
天哪,DC那CPU都能4 and 8 FPS ,这效率比SSF高多了吧


srafec 2006-12-24 16:11
引用第3楼lzsgodmax2006-12-24 15:19发表的“”:


p4 2.0a

六王毕四海一 2006-12-26 01:14

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