帮你翻译吧! 斑竹:禁忌天使 该卡被召唤/特殊召唤/反转召唤时,破坏对方场上全部魔法/陷阱卡 effect:when this card summonded,flip summonded and special summonded successfuly,destroy all the opponent's magic and trap cards.
安全帽 该卡一次不会因战斗破坏 effect:this card couldn't destroy in fighting for one time.
装备卡Z-SABER ZERO专用,增加ZERO800点攻击力,若将装备此卡的ZERO当作祭品,可从卡组或手牌中特殊召唤真·ZERO effect:this card only can equipped on zero, add atk for 800 points. send the zero to the grayard equipped with this card, special summonded 真·ZERO from deck or hand card.