m230 |
2006-06-16 05:47 |
在骡子上下了XSI_5.11 但是是英文版的,虽然里面也附带了CRACK和注册机,但是我安装的时候它提示有很多种选择,对英语不好的我来说安装这类软件实在是一大难事. 当然,我也试着随便点点看是否能混过去安装,但是还没装完就卡住了,画面一片空白. 希望高人能助俺这英盲一臂之力.[p:9][p:24]
另附上英文的安装说明(貌似是) 1. Install SPM Software. Select either COM1 or COM2 for Sentinel (if you had a previous version installed, you may need to uninstall it , even from registry ..) 2. Copy the spmd.exe, SI, and spm-kf from our crack into your Windows\SYSTEM32\spm directory. Overwrite the spmd.exe that is there. 3. Run Softimage Products/SOFTIMAGE Licensing/Lictools and choose 'Start Server' 4. Install XSI and set the SPM_HOST to your machine that the SPM Daemon is installed on.
5. Enjoy it
Linux: specify the windows machine (SPM_HOST) where you installed the spm server. |