Because of extraordinary bandwidth issues (and costs) we've had to close this tracker.
This project was primarily started by a group of friends trying to share emulation files easily. We never expected it to escalate to the full-time job that it became, and unfortunately because of the amount of effort needed (coupled with the bandwidth problems) do not expect us to return.
to CNSYWJ: If you decide to make a dupe account, you will be banned forever from this site. It's that simple. 上面是首页上的最新news,2月7日更新的 估计你是被封了C类地址,去Proxy 4 Free找个支持加密访问的代理看看,如果还是不行的话那就没法了,吸血不要吸得太过火呀=.=b
to sp229 我也是卡在那里^^b 没法子超种模式,慢慢下吧,反正我还要填回以前下载的欠单,真的很感谢你提供这个好网站^^