It is more faster than alpha2, but similar to DreamSNES. 速度比ALPHA2快,但是和DSNES速度差不多。 For more speed i want draw graphic tiles as textures with pvr, also we need rewrite a lot of parts of assembler code. 要想获得更快的速度,作者要用PVR把图形TILE当作贴图来显示,并且他们需要重新写很多汇编代码。 But now, Fox continue working in FAZE and i just begin MAME4ALL. 但是现在,FOX还在继续他的FAZE,作者开始动手MAME4ALL。(译者编:个人对这个比较期待,想想CPS1的游戏吧 ) We have changed assembler code for running. The main problem was to get a correct offset.h for SH, also adapt main cpuexec to new structure and know the equivalent of opcodesE1. See source code. 他们修改汇编代码来运行,主要问题是为SH获得一个正确的offset.h,并且使主CPU执行文件适应新结构和知道操作码E1。 It only speed up a bit, around 10% - 15%. To create this SH assembler code was a lot of work for a poor acceleration, in comparation with time to implement. But this SH assembler code exists and it is possible to use it. 速度只有很小的提升,大概是10%~15%。要编写这个SH汇编核心吃力不讨好(费了很大劲速度还没什么提升),但是这个汇编核心存在并且可以使用。