Xin |
2004-03-27 20:21 |
CD-Pro 2 是一種 CD 唱盤的機心!!可讓 CD 更好聽!!就像片中瑪莉說的高音尖低音準那樣 至於 GY ...這個我不方便說,是台語的一種超級髒話!!
相信很多人最近都透過伊媚兒或電視新聞而知道了以上這幾支搞笑影片 但是 笑過之後 可能還是不知道到底啥是"CD-Pro2"?誰又是吳大?
上圖就是"CD-Pro2"(觀看其它圖片) 也有人叫它Philips VAU1254 它是CD唱盤的機心(以前好像也有人稱之為"傳動機構"?) 那它又到底有啥了不起呢?
簡單一點來說 就是會讓CD更好聲 詳細一點來說 我隨便找到了一則相關說明: Using the CD-Pro2 module, you will get a high-performance CD-engine, which is designed to deliver an extremely good playability and very low mechanical playing noise. The CD-Pro2 is actually the successor of the CD-Pro module which has been widely used in the high-end audio industry. Compared to the CD-Pro module (VAU1252), the CD-Pro 2 (VAU1254) brings many improvements, like the capability to read CD-RW discs. Its playability has also been improved thanks to the recent CD10 servo-decoder, and a new active filter switching for start-up and play. Besides, the CD-Pro 2 module remains fully compatible with its predecessor, and it can directly replace the CD-Pro in your existing application. Indeed, it keeps the same dimensions and fixation points, as well as the same electrical connections as the CD-Pro. Last but not least, both modules are based on the same standard DSA protocol for external communication, which means they are also software compatible.
至於誰又是吳大? 他是本地著名音響DIY網站 DIYZONE 的站長吳立民 這些搞笑短片 便是源自於該網站搞了一個"CD-PRO2高階數位轉盤計畫" 有興趣的人可以看看這則相關討論串:
--- 以上只是音響門外漢整理查詢到的資料 若有錯誤還請指教 以正視聽 感謝! |