最终星际武力 Final Star Force rom名:fstarfrc 似乎火力通过射击时间的长短来提升,每种子弹是一种bgm
2006-05-01 23:37
Sauro rom名:Sauro 一个潜艇游戏
2006-05-01 23:44
The Deep rom名:thedeep 炸潜艇
2006-05-01 23:51
Battle Shark 猎鲨行动 rom名:bshark
STORY: - It is the third world war. Extremely brutal fighting has been taking place on land, and now the battlefield is expanding into the oceans. But the peace negotiations are an enemy trap! They are building an underwater fortress at the bottom of the sea! Let's get to work Battle Shark !!