Sayuri |
2005-12-10 16:53 |
(M) 9012c358 0C048238
金钱最大 20409840 05F5E0FF
钱 99999999 202028dc 00000000
337个主要道具都有 40409AD0 01510001 03E00001 00000001
主角密码 Max HP 最大血 20409870 000003e7 20409874 000003e7
Max MP 最大魔法 20409878 000003e7 2040987C 000003e7
Max Lvl 最大等级 00409880 00000062
Max EXP 最大经验 20409888 05F5E0FF
Never Sick 状态绝对不异常 20409890 00000000
Max Strength 力量最大 104098A0 000003e7
Max Agility 敏捷最大 104098A2 000003e7
Max Resilience 身体抗性最大 104098A4 000003e7
Max Wisdom 智慧(魔法)最大 104098A6 000003e7
Max Skill points 技能点数最大 ------------------- Max Sword 最大剑点数 104098AA 000003e7
Max Spears 最大矛点数 104098AC 000003e7
Max Boomerangs 最大飞镖点数 104098AE 000003e7
Max Fisticuffs 最大拳套点数 104098B0 000003e7
Max Courage 最大勇气 104098B2 000003e7
道具拦里单个输入,道具列表在最后 Slot 1 20409a10 00000???
Slot 2 20409a14 00000???
Slot 3 20409a18 00000???
Slot 4 20409a1C 00000???
Slot 5 20409a20 00000???
Slot 6 20409a24 00000???
Slot 7 20409a28 00000???
Slot 8 20409a2C 00000???
Slot 9 20409a30 00000???
Slot 10 20409a34 00000???
Slot 11 20409a38 00000???
Slot 12 20409a3C 00000???
第2人状态码 翻译同主角一样 Yangus --------- Max HP 204098D8 000003e7 204098DC 000003e7
Max MP 204098E0 000003e7 204098E4 000003e7
Max Lvl 104098E8 00000062
Max EXP 204098F0 05F5E0FF
Never Sick 204098F8 00000000
Max Strength 10409908 000003e7
Max Agility 1040990A 000003e7
Max Resilience 1040990C 000003e7
Max Wisdom 1040990E 000003e7
Max Skill points
Max Club 棍子点数最大 10409912 000003e7
Max Axe 斧头点数最大 10409914 000003e7
Max Scythe 镰刀点数最大 10409916 000003e7
Max Fisticuffs 拳套点数最大 10409918 000003e7
Max Humanity 最大知识 1040991A 000003e7
Slot 1 20409A40 00000???
Slot 2 20409A44 00000???
Slot 3 20409A48 00000???
Slot 4 20409A4C 00000???
Slot 5 20409A50 00000???
Slot 6 20409A54 00000???
Slot 7 20409A58 00000???
Slot 8 20409A5C 00000???
Slot 9 20409A60 00000???
Slot 10 20409A64 00000???
Slot 11 20409A68 00000???
Slot 12 20409A6C 00000???
第3人状态码 翻译同主角一样 Jessica -------- Max HP 20409940 000003e7 20409944 000003e7
Max MP 20409948 000003e7 2040994C 000003e7
Max Lvl 10409950 00000062
Max EXP 20409958 05F5E0FF
Never Sick 20409960 00000000
Max Strength 10409970 000003e7
Max Agility 10409972 000003e7
Max Resilience 10409974 000003e7
Max Wisdom 10409976 000003e7
Max Skill points
Max Knife 小刀点数最大 1040997A 000003e7
Max Whip 鞭子点数最大 1040997C 000003e7
Max Staff 棍子点数最大 1040997E 000003e7
Max Fisticuffs 拳套点数最大 10409980 000003e7
Max Sex Appeal 魅力最大 10409982 000003e7
Slot 1 20409A70 00000???
Slot 2 20409A74 00000???
Slot 3 20409A78 00000???
Slot 4 20409A7C 00000???
Slot 5 20409A80 00000???
Slot 6 20409A84 00000???
Slot 7 20409A88 00000???
Slot 8 20409A8C 00000???
Slot 9 20409A90 00000???
Slot 10 20409A94 00000???
Slot 11 20409A98 00000???
Slot 12 20409A9C 00000???
第4人状态码 翻译同主角一样 --- Angelo
Max HP 204099A8 000003e7 204099AC 000003e7
Max MP 204099B0 000003e7 204099B4 000003e7
Max Lvl 104099B8 00000062
Max EXP 204099C0 05F5E0FF
Never Sick 204099C8 00000000
Max Strength 104099D8 000003e7
Max Agility 104099DA 000003e7
Max Resilience 104099DC 000003e7
Max Wisdom 104099DE 000003e7
Max Skill points
Max Sword 剑点数最大 104099E2 000003e7
Max Bow 弓箭点数最大 104099E4 000003e7
Max Staff 棍子点数最大 104099E6 000003e7
Max Fisticuffs 拳套点数最大 104099E8 000003e7
Max Charisma 领导力最大 104099EA 000003e7
Slot 1 20409AA0 00000???
Slot 2 20409AA4 00000???
Slot 3 20409AA8 00000???
Slot 4 20409AAC 00000???
Slot 5 20409AB0 00000???
Slot 6 20409AB4 00000???
Slot 7 20409AB8 00000???
Slot 8 20409ABC 00000???
Slot 9 20409AC0 00000???
Slot 10 20409AC4 00000???
Slot 11 20409AC8 00000???
Slot 12 20409ACC 00000???
HP 保持最大 全部人 20207164 00000021
MP 保持最大 全部人 00207034 00000021 战斗结束后会自动恢复到最大
永远在最高状态下 20355758 64117000 20355784 90810014 20355788 0061880B 202fce14 6403007F
单个输入的道具列表 001 = Cypress Stick (Attack 4) 002 = Soldier’s Sword (Attack 8) 003 = Copper Sword (Attack 13) 004 = Steel BroadSword (Attack 35) 005 = Platinum Sword (Attack 40) 006 = Dream Blade (Attack 43) 007 = Falcon Blade (Attack 37) 008 = Uber Falcon Blade (Attack 55) 009 = Zombiesbane (Attack 54) 00A = Zombie Slayer (Attack 65) 00B = Dragonsbane (Attack 72) 00C = Dragon Slayer (Attack 83) 00D = Blizzard Blade (Attack 90) 00E = Miracle Sword (Attack 80) 00F = Uber Miracle Sword (Attack 95) 010 = Bastard Sword (Attack 61) 011 = Liquid Metal Sword (Attack 118) 012 = Double-Edged Sword (Attack 76) 013 = Uber Double-Edge (Attack 76) 014 = Rusty old Sword (Attack 45) 015 = Dragovian Sword (Attack 107) 016 = Dragovian King Sword (Attack 137) 017 = Rapier (Attack 17) 018 = Templar’s Sword (Attack 36) 019 = Hell Sabre (Attack 99) 01A = Holy Silver Rapier (Attack 54) 01B = Fallen Angel Rapier (Attack 61) 01C = Shamshir of Light (Attack 110) 01D = Mercury’s Rapier (Attack 78)
Knife 01E = Bronze Knife (Attack 9) 01F = Dagger (Attack 18) 020 = Poison moth Knife (Attack 29) 021 = Assassin’s Dagger (Attack 37) 022 = Icicle Dirk (Attack 52) 023 = Poison Needle (Attack 0) 024 = Falcon Knife (Attack 34) 025 = Imp Knife (Attack 42) 026 = Sword Breaker (Attack 56) 027 = Eagle Dagger (Attack 39)
Spear 028 = Iron Lance (Attack 24) 029 = Holy Lance (Attack 39) 02A = Long Spear (Attack 30) 02B = Partisan (Attack 44) 02C = Battle Fork (Attack 42) 02D = Sandstorm Spear (Attack 67) 02E = Demon Spear (Attack 86) 02F = Hero Spear (Attack 100) 030 = Metal King Spear (Attack 120)
Boomerangs 031 = Boomerang (Attack 19) 032 = Reinforced Boomerang (Attack 32) 033 = Edged Boomerang (Attack 27) 034 = Metal Wing Boomerang (Attack 90) 035 = Razor Wing Boomerang (Attack 42) 036 = Swallow Tail (Attack 53) 037 = Flametang Boomerang (Attack 63)
Axe 038 = Stone Axe (Attack 20) 039 = Iron Axe (Attack 38 03A = King Axe (Attack 80 03B = Moon Axe (Attack 60 03C = Bandit Axe (Attack 55 03D = Golden Axe (Attack 27 03E = Battle-Axe (Attack 45) 03F = Conquerer’s Axe (Attack 103
Clubs 040 = Oaken Club (Attack 7 041 = Giant Mallet (Attack 13 042 = Sledgehammer (Attack 33 043 = War Hammer (Attack 51 044 = Uber War Hammer (Attack 69 045 = Dummy Hammer (No use) 046 = Megaton Hammer (Attack 108
Weapon 047 = Flail of Fury (Attack 93) 048 = Flail of Destruction (Attack 125)
Whips 049 = Thorn Whip (Attack 14) 04A = Leather Whip (Attack 6) 04B = Snakeskin Whip (Attack 23) 04C = Chain Whip (Attack 32) 04D = Dragontail Whip (Attack 47) 04E = Spiked Steel Whip (Attack 62) 04F = Demon Whip (Attack 72) 050 = Scourge Whip (Attack 99) 051 = Gringham Whip (Attack 127)
Scythe 052 = Farmer’s Scythe (Attack 28) 053 = Dummy Sickle (Not Used) 054 = Heavy Hatchet (Attack 110) 055 = Bardiche of Binding (Attack 83) 056 = Hell Scythe (Attack 65) 057 = Steel Scythe (Attack 42)
Staff 058 = Wizard’s Staff (Attack 15) 059 = Lightning Staff (Attack 24) 05A = Staff of Divine Wrath (Attack 35) 05B = Magma Staff (Attack 28) 05C = Dummy Wand (Not Used) 05D = Staff of AntiMagic (Attack 41) 05E = Rune Staff (Attack 30) 05F = Staff of Resurrection (Attack 77) 060 = Magical Mace (Attack 79) 061 = Dummy Staff (Not Used)
Bows 062 = Hunter’s Bow (Attack 30) 063 = Great Bow (Attack 95) 064 = Short Bow (Attack 23) 065 = Odin’s Bow (Attack 125) 066 = Cheiron’s Bow (Attack 63) 067 = Eros’ Bow (Attack 45)
Armour 068 = Plain Clothes 069 = Bandit's Grass Skirt 06A = Wayfarer's clothes 06B = Boxer Shorts 06C = Dancer's Clothes 06D = Leather Kilt 06E = Leather Dress 06F = Templar's Uniform 070 = Fur Poncho 071 = Cloak of Evasion 072 = Bunny Suit 073 = Silk Bustier 074 = Magic Bikini 075 = Spangled Dress 076 = Posh Waistcoat 077 = Magical Skirt 078 = Shimmering dress 079 = Dark Robe 07A = Dummy Dress 07B = Dangerous Bustier 07C = Divine Bustier 07D = Jessica's Outfit 07E = Leather Armor 07F = Scale Armor 080 = Chain Mail 081 = Bronze Armor 082 = Iron Cuirass 083 = Iron Armor 084 = Turtle Shell 085 = Full Plate Armor 086 = Silver Cuirass 087 = Dancer's Mail 088 = Silver Mail 089 = Dragon Mail 08A = Magic Armor 08B = Zombie Mail 08C = Heavy Armor 08D = Spiked Armor 08E = Platinum Armor 08F = Bandit Mail 090 = Sacred Armor 091 = Dummy Armor 092 = Gigant Armor 093 = Mirror Armor 094 = Liquid Metal Armor 095 = Dragovian Armor 096 = metal King Armor 097 = Silk Robe 098 = Leather Cape 099 = Robe of Serenity 09A = Magic Vestment 09B = Flowing Dress 09C = Sage's Robe 09D = Angel's Robe 09E = Velvet Cape 09F = Crimson Robe 0A0 = Princess Robe 0A1 = Dragon Robe 0A2 = Pot Lid 0A3 = Leather Shield 0A4 = Scale Shield 0A5 = Silver Platter 0A6 = kitty Shield 0A7 = Bronze Shield 0A8 = Templar's Shield 0A9 = Iron Shield 0AA = Light Shield 0AB = White Shield 0AC = Steel Shield 0AD = Magic Shield 0AE = Dragon Shield 0AF = Dummy Shield 0B0 = power Shield 0B1 = Saintess Shield 0B2 = Bone Shield 0B3 = Mirror Shield 0B4 = Ogre Shield 0B5 = Silber Shield 0B6 = Biss Boss Shield 0B7 = Ruinous Shield 0B8 = Thanatos Shield 0B9 = Goddess Shield 0BA = Dragovian Shield 0BB = Metal King Shield 0BC = Bandana 0BD = Leather hat 0BE = Hairband 0BF = pointy Hat 0C0 = Feathered Cap 0C1 = Turban 0C2 = Silver Tiara 0C3 = Bunny Ears 0C4 = Stone Hardhat 0C5 = Iron Helmet 0C6 = FurHood 0C7 = bronze helmet 0C8 = Coral hairpin 0C9 = Pirate's hat 0CA = Iron Mask 0CB = Hermes' Hat 0CC = Platinum Headgear 0CD = Magical Hat 0CE = Happy Hat 0CF = Hades' Helmet 0D0 = Slime Crown 0D1 = Mythril Helm 0D2 = Mercury's Bandana 0D3 = Scholar's Cap
0D4 = Dummy Cap 0D5 = thinking Cap 0D6 = Iron headgear 0D7 = Raging Bull Helm 0D8 = Golden Tiara 0D9 = great helm 0DA = phantom Mask 0DB = Skull Helm 0DC = Dragovian Helm 0DD = Sun Crown 0DE = Metal King helm 0DF = Dummy Flee Ring 0E0 = Agility Ring 0E1 = Meteorite Armband 0E2 = Stregnth Ring 0E3 = Gold Ring 0E4 = Prayer Ring 0E5 = Recovery Ring 0E6 = Goddess Ring 0E7 = Gospel Ring 0E8 = Life Bracer 0E9 = Mighty Armlet 0EA = Gold Bracer 0EB = Dummy braclet 0EC = Dummy bracer 0ED = Ruby of protection 0EE = Titan Belt 0EF = Scholar's Specs 0F0 = Tough Guy Tattoo 0F1 = Slime Earrings 0F2 = Devil Tail 0F3 = Fishnet Stockings 0F4 = Garter 0F5 = Lady's Ring 0F6 = Gold Rosary 0F7 = Dummy boots 0F8 = Sorcerer's ring 0F9 = Skull Ring 0FA = Holy Talisman 0FB = Ring of Awakening 0FC = Full Moon Ring 0FD = Ring of Clarity 0FE = Ring of Truth 0FF = Ring of Immunity 100 = Catholicon Rinh 101 = Dummy Sand Glass 102 = Dummy Hourglass 103 = Dragon Scale 104 = Elevating Shoes 105 = Medicinal herb 106 = Antidotial herb 107 = MoonWort Herb 108 = Strong medicine 109 = Special Medicine 10A = Lesser panacea 10B = Greater Panacea 10C = Rose-Root 10D = Rose-Wart 10E = Strong Antidote 10F = Special Antidote 110 = Moon's Mercy 111 = Mystifying Mixture 112 = Yggdrasil Leaf 113 = Yggdrasil dew 114 = Amor seco Essence 115 = Chimera Ring 116 = Holy Water 117 = Magic Water 118 = Elfin Elixir 119 = Rockbomb Shard 11A = Sage's Stone 11B = Dummy Sand of Time 11C = Seed of Stregnth 11D = Seed of Agility 11E = Seed of Defence 11F = Seed of Wisdom 120 = Seed of Skill 121 = Seed of Life 122 = Seed of Magic 123 = Mini Medal 124 = Dummy Bestiary 125 = Thief's Key 126 = Magic Key 127 = Ultimate Key 128 = Orichalcum 129 = Bunny tail 12A = Timbrel of tension 12B = Dummy Cymbal 12C = Dummy Conch 12D = Baumren's Bell 12E = Gold Nugget 12F = Iron Nail 130 = CowPat 131 = Dragon Dung 132 = Rock Salt 133 = Dummy Lizard Dung 134 = Saint's Ashes 135 = Wing of Bat 136 = Magic Beast Hide 137 = Fresh Milk 138 = Rennet powder 139 = Red Mould 13A = WaterWeed mould 13B = Premium Mould 13C = Plain Cheese 13D = Dummy Cheese 1 13E = Spicy Cheese 13F = Super Spicy Cheese 140 = Scorching Cheese 141 = Dummy Cheese 2 142 = Cool Cheese 143 = Chilly Cheese 144 = Cold Cheese 145 = C-c-cold Cheese 146 = Dummy Cheese 3 147 = Dummy Chese 4 148 = Dummy Chese 5 149 = Dummy Chese 6 14A = Dummy Cheese 7 14B = Mild Cheese 14C = Cured Cheese 14D = Angel Cheese 14E = Hard Cheese 14F = Soft Cheese 150 = Chunky Cheese 151 = Highly Strung Cheese |