查看完整版本: [-- [新闻]PSP用ISO Launcher v0.8放出视频,可直接从ISO中运行大众高尔夫 --]

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Lobelia 2005-07-27 17:47



Kit::I've a beta copy of a PSP ISO Launcher. It's not from Wab, PS2NFO nor PDX, it's coded by a talented individual. I've tested it with a few game ISOs including Ridge Racers, Hot Shot Golf, Amored Core & NBA2K5 and they're all running fine. However, the author told me the beta version can launch about 90% of current games and he is now trying to make it 100%. The launcher only supports 1.5 PSP atm. The author hasn't decided if he will release it to the public or not, but he did allow me to share the news with you all. Here is a little video of the ISO launcher in action.

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vrshooter 2005-07-27 18:25

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