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fujingdcn 2005-06-12 08:26

Ok im having a hard time burning SmsPlus, I used the .cdi to nero converter then burnt the disc with nero but when i put it in my Dc it says please insert disc. When I double click the nero image icon it opens with some thing asking me about different modes and this is the firt imagefile that it did it to all the other it just opens to the burn menu. I selected mode 1 but I dont know what it did. Can someone please help???

永恒の翼 2005-06-12 11:35
before burn the DC image, maybe patch the image with "DirectRead"(Chinese Name: Zhidu 直读)。Mode 1 not request.

but I also cannot make the "DirectRead" disc for DC, hope anyone can answer this question.

PS: I translate your post to Chinese.


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