ChenX2 |
2005-04-07 10:59 |
(M) F010BCB8 002756AB
Infinite Health 20159424 03E00008
Max Coins 20551C04 0000270F
Press L3 Or R3 to activate/disable 204BC402 0000FFFD 2023586C 24010000 204BC402 0000FFFB 2023586C 2C4100B0
Unbreakable Weapons 201A20E0 00000000 201A20CC 00000000
必须码 F0275224 00275227
Max Vitality体力最大 204BD8C8 0F000F00
体力不减 280FC874 0CA57A65
武器/防具耐久性不减 2800ED86 0CA57A65
过一小关point全满(第二章的竞技场才有集点送衣服) 20551BE4 05F5E0FF 会直接给80万的衣服
Mastercode F0100208 0000000E
Being defeated entirely 20551A98 FFFFFFFF 40551AA8 00420001 05F5E0FF 00000000 * BATTLE SELECTION appearance and degree of hardness EXTREME selective possibility and SECRET COSTUME selection 択 Possibility, SECRETS OF ROME full opening.
サルボリスト entirely 405520D4 000B0001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 * It reaches the point where you can see the list which is in SECRETS OF ROME entirely. It is not reflected on the list in the game. |