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notinthisworld 2005-03-21 11:00

hi...... i found the torrents for the megaman anniversary collection...

they are as follows:

1. PS2 version - http://xbtt.animersion.net/

2. GC version - http://gctracker.mine.nu/

3. Xbox version - http://www.thepiratebay.org/download.php/3...SA_XBOX.torrent

remember, three different consoles have different bonus features kaixin.gif

for gameboy advance... its not yet been released yet...

God Bless

真实限界 2005-03-22 13:09
3Q!! wdb10.gif

notinthisworld 2005-03-23 10:59
what is 3q

星星点点 2005-03-26 03:48
3Q=thank you

notinthisworld 2005-03-26 14:14
sure no problem

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