查看完整版本: [-- Kega Fusion v0.1e --]

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永恒の翼 2004-11-15 05:38


* Fixed a small problem with the SegaCD CDD
* Fixed VGM issue
修正 VGM 错误
* Fixed "Streets of Rage" sound problem
* Discovered what some sound drivers do and worked around it (Thanks to
Stone for testing), more machines should now work without having to drop
to "Alternate Timing" mode
* Added "Sleep While Waiting" option - NOT recommended because it can cause
skipping in the sound and the framerate of the emulator, also not really
needed because the emulator *will* give up time to any running program
automatically - but since so many people really want to see the task
manager showing available CPU time, here it is. Use it if you must. But
don't complain about choppy frame rates ;-)
* Upped the number of render plugins to 16
* Updated render plugin system to allow for 2x, 3x and 4x scalers. (Only
works in Enhanced GFX mode)
升级插件系统至允许使用2X 3X 4X的倍率。(仅工作在高级GFX模式下)
* Render plugins can now go into a "Plugins" folder to avoid clutter
* Lots of other fixes which I really can't remember now.

官方站点: http://www.eidolons-inn.net/tiki-index.php?page=Kega


lzsgodmax 2004-11-15 08:59
习惯用gens系列了(gens,gens plus,dgens) em32.gif

ximiduo 2004-11-15 11:38

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