Eiji |
2004-09-03 00:01 |
记录了从SNK最初几个人的想法成立的公司到后来改名为SNK-PlayMore的一系列SNK的变迁。 SNK与Capcom的一点比较。 大部分经典游戏都有提及。 Ikari. ManCrush. 各种经典机种。 Neo-Geo CD. 还有99年失败了的什么什么Hyper 64...还有Neo-Geo Pocket...
An American television channel, G4 Tech TV has a show on video games and their companies, called Icons. Recently, Icons did an episode dedicated completely to SNK. The show is a must-watch for King of Fighters fans, as SNK is the company that started the KOF series. This show has history of SNK and how it became what it is today.
The best part is, you get to hear the success story from SNK's own people, like Ben Herman (President, SNK NEOGEO USA Consumer) and other well-known industry people.
This video is hosted on Neo Geo Pro server:(此视频文件由Neo Geo Pro提供)

G4 Tech TV: Icons - SNK
低画质(40MB) http://www.neogeopro.com/videos/g4icons/snkg4_low.wmv 高画质(153MB) http://www.neogeopro.com/videos/g4icons/snkg4_high.avi
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