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狂気の天使 2005-08-13 10:40

To: All Accountancy Students

Mode of Greeting

Recently I have heard more than once that some students greet me by calling
me EH. While you have every right to call me in any way, I have to point
out that to call me EH is very much impolite. Unless you feel that you are
very much senior than a person and you have no intention at all to pay any
respect to that person, you should never greet or call a person by this type
of short symbolic name.

I am now making it clear that I will not respond to any person who call me
EH and any request made by you while you are calling me EH will not be
entertained. This decision applies to situations where you describe me as EH
to other colleagues of the Department as well.

I hope that after you have received and noted this message, you could greet
me by either calling me Mr. Ho or simply Ess (but, too, never call me

If you have any further question in relation to this message or other
business etiquette, please feel free to contact me.

Ess Ho
Undergraduate and Professional Development Coordinator
Department of Accountancy


狂気の天使 2005-08-13 13:05

dingcm 2005-08-13 17:08
汗, Ess Ho让我想到了"ass xxxx", 搞笑, 老外才不会取这种发音的名字滴.

狂気の天使 2005-08-13 19:17

PS:那个教授真是蠢啊. 一公告出来,就全世界都知他叫"axx hoxx"了...

dingcm 2005-08-13 19:45
还真让我猜对了, 呵
他要人喊他Mr. Ho或Ess, 这倒没问题.
这句最好笑: but, too, never call me EssHo, 自露马脚.

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