主题 : 【测试】 DreamShell rc4小更新( ide_0.7.0_b2)ISO Loader 0.7.x Beta
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UID: 12451
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楼主  发表于: 2018-12-14 11:10

【测试】 DreamShell rc4小更新( ide_0.7.0_b2)ISO Loader 0.7.x Beta

管理提醒: 本帖被 YZB 执行提前操作(2019-08-02)
ide_0.7.0_b2.7z (17 K) 下载次数:85




problem in timer
cdda don't supported
ide (1).zip (18 K) 下载次数:72


loader with low level emulations
supported only optimised GDI
HDD can be defragmented
many sattings in app ISO Loader not used for this loader
CDDA don't supported
IGR worked
loader adress used only for preloader and can be 8C004000 or more
for boot from license screen set checkbox IP.BIN and memory adress more 8с010000 (i use 8CE00000)
supported device only with LBA48

find error for Evil Twin
find error CDDA sincronisations: Speed Devils online, Re-Volt, Super Run About, Spec Ops II - Omega Squad, etc........
add cheat engine
write app for loader 0.7.x
add ISO support

ide.zip (18 K) 下载次数:22



Last *stable* ISO Loader firmware from RC4 for IDE without DMA for CDDA.
Builded on different GCC versions. Also interesting is the difference in compatibility, regardless of the CDDA.
RC4 release builded on gcc 5.2, now you can check 7.1.

It's little fix for isoldr module but it can solve some strange behaviors why the same game can start or not sometimes in under the same conditions.
Can use with all 0.6.x versions.
isoldr.klf.7z (7 K) 下载次数:39

I just builded SD and IDE loaders from RC4 on GCC 7.1 and without CDDA support for decreasing size.
Also I remove CSO support from SD loader (also decreased size) and added minor fix for clearing IRQ's at startup, in some cases it can help.
Merry Christmas!
isoldr_sd_ide_firmware_v0.6.2_noCDDA_gcc7.1.7z (20 K) 下载次数:23

I removed IRQ handling from this build of IDE loader.
It give little more memory and in some cases can more compatibility, because it have low conflict with game code.
But true async in this case can't works good and can't works WinCE games in general.
I would like to know how many games are troubled by IRQ injection.
BTW, SD loader doesn't have this code.
isoldr_ide_firmware_v0.6.3_noWINCE_noCDDA_gcc7.1.7z (16 K) 下载次数:19

Second beta of new loader (0.7+) with 0.6.x interface for easy testing.
I just build it on GCC 8.2 and add builds without CDDA support.
isoldr_firmware_v0.6.7_gcc8.2.7z (58 K) 下载次数:60
[ 此帖被YZB在2019-08-02 17:24重新编辑 ]
附件: isoldr_ide_firmware_v0.6.1_gcc5.2.7z (19 K) 下载次数:21
附件: isoldr_ide_firmware_v0.6.1_gcc7.1.7z (19 K) 下载次数:32
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级别: 模拟小生
UID: 174073
精华: 0
发帖: 43
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2300 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 127 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 43(时)
注册时间: 2007-02-06
最后登录: 2025-01-03
沙发  发表于: 2020-07-16 16:53
