主题 : 【转贴】DreamShell 2018 Money Support for NEXT Development
级别: 超级版主

UID: 12451
精华: 6
发帖: 19119
威望: 173 星
金钱: 10875 浮游币
贡献值: 12100 点
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楼主  发表于: 2018-01-22 22:30

【转贴】DreamShell 2018 Money Support for NEXT Development


A lot of work has already been done for iso loader, but there is one fat problem on which the process has stopped.
So I don't even know yet when it will happen. While I'm busy with other things, no time for hobby now.
If it was a commercial product, it would be completely different 


DreamShell 2018 Money Support for NEXT Development(google translate)

Hi guys! all DreamShell community, it necessary to provide material assistance to the DreamShell project in connection with long-term construction.

There is a proposal to raise funds for hiring qualified programmers, assistants. So, as DreamShell is not a commercial project that development, its completion on the final version can not wait!

The work is conducted by two people SWAT and megavolt85 and there is not enough time or money to accomplish many tasks.

If you are interested in working on DreamShell soon, provide financial assistance.

If you are interested in participating in the development and have experience in programming, write about this, you will be taken to the DreamShell development team, at will, with a monthly payment for your work if this is your condition for help.

The forum will create a new topic on the work done for the month with a discussion and suggestions for the current progress.

I propose to write here who will be able to contribute / contributes funds and their amount. And who is interested in participating in the development!

If there are developers with a certain rate and with specific assistance, we will consider the exact, monthly amount of support.

Financial part:

Money Support for development of DreamShell
Donate for SWAT (Developper of DreamShell)


BTC: 15w9mkA7Cf4Cy1RD6K2Y5GXfG8JrsFr7vj
ETH: 0xc05544e2036B44caeABaE9eA43DCE1b20eAC638E

Thank you for attention!

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    沙发  发表于: 2018-01-24 16:10

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    板凳  发表于: 2018-01-28 15:15



    是的,这些是网站上我的账号,已不是发起捐款第一年了,但今天我把WebMoney从列表中删除,因为我已经停止使用这项服务。毒药和地穴 - 请说谢谢你们每一分钱,我将花在支付托管服务。这可能是以前就有的,这里没有什么新东西。。
    我怀疑这个项目原则上可以成为商业目的。仅仅因为你的捐款可能不够。它们还不足以让我一个人至少待一个月:D第三方开发者的薪水怎样呢?特别是文学,其工作是昂贵的。我认为,为了完成目前的版本到一个不太正常的状态,它将至少需要$ 20,000,这个数额不是简单地通过在一个小社区收集捐款...看起来数额很大?其实您一点也不知道,如果您知道当前版本花费了多少成本,如果您重新计算金钱和劳动时间。有时我全职从事这个项目,而不仅仅是有时和一点点。

    [ 此帖被tq03q9i在2018-02-18 10:09重新编辑 ]
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    草席  发表于: 2018-02-14 16:36

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    5楼  发表于: 2018-02-17 11:19

    回 4楼(dtxyy) 的帖子

    It's not about money, it's about time. I've been working a lot lately. And I can not get away from work and do DS. If I had free time, I would have done this as before - for free.
    There is only one way for now - to quit my job and work hard on DS, but who will feed my family? On DC it will not turn out to earn money regularly and in sufficient quantity... This is a hobby for me and nothing more.

    [ 此帖被tq03q9i在2018-02-18 08:11重新编辑 ]
    级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 126232
    精华: 0
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    金钱: 2151 浮游币
    贡献值: 18 点
    好评度: 179 点
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    在线时间: 177(时)
    注册时间: 2006-06-29
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    6楼  发表于: 2018-02-17 11:32

    SWAT, It would be great if you created some kind of a Task board where you would add any kind of features/tasks/bugs you'd like to get implemented/solved/fixed. As a person from side I know nothing about ideas you have in your mind towards DreanShell, however I do have knowledge and experiance that might be useful. Sometimes, I have a good mood and free time, so I can dedicate myself to your project. How about creating some kind of collaboration board where everyone is able to see your vision and take a task to work on it?
    Good idea, I'll try to write something like a roadmap. I just need some time to complete work. The team I work in makes some systems for transport organization on 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia. So I think you understand till what time I will be busy

    好主意,我会试着写个路线图之类的东西。我只需要点时间来完成我的工作(PS:上班)。我在2018 FIFA俄罗斯世界杯团队做运营系统管理。
    [ 此帖被tq03q9i在2018-02-18 10:15重新编辑 ]
    级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 126232
    精华: 0
    发帖: 61
    威望: 0 星
    金钱: 2151 浮游币
    贡献值: 18 点
    好评度: 179 点
    人气: 0 点
    在线时间: 177(时)
    注册时间: 2006-06-29
    最后登录: 2024-08-06
    7楼  发表于: 2018-02-17 11:36

    [ 此帖被tq03q9i在2018-02-18 08:08重新编辑 ]
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