主题 : 【求助】DC刻录问题
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 247572
精华: 0
发帖: 1211
威望: 5 星
金钱: 548 浮游币
贡献值: 265 点
好评度: 3705 点
人气: 6 点
在线时间: 127(时)
注册时间: 2007-09-07
最后登录: 2024-05-23
楼主  发表于: 2009-08-26 15:23


我使用的是Alcohol 120% 1.97版,第一次刻录570M的刻录成功了,往后的游戏都是在700M以上的,开启了超刻功能,
选AUDIO CD+ 模式,刻录方式选"RAW DAO,在"不关闭盘片中的最后一个区段"打勾,刻录速度要选4X,刻录的是莎木、娜可露露都没成功,提示的也都是以下信息,请求高手指点

我用的刻录机是先锋-112 系统奔腾4 2.0 512M内存

########################### System Information ###########################
Windows XP Professional 5.1 Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
Processor info: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz (1998MHz)
Memory Available to Windows: 514,548 KB

############################ Program Information ###########################
File Name: C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\alcohol.bak
Company Name: Alcohol Soft Development Team
Description: Alcohol 120%
Original: Alcohol.exe
Product: Alcohol 120%
Trademarks: Alcohol Soft Development Team
Copyright: Copyright(C) 2002-2008 Alcohol Soft Development Team
Version: 1.9.7 ( Build 6221 )
Date: 2008/02/22
Size: 1815496 Bytes
Hash: ee833b4b446b7fa2e05541d4090f3c33
Loader: c:\program files\alcohol soft\alcohol 120\alcohol.exe
File Name: C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\alcoholx.dll
Company Name: Alcohol Soft Co., Ltd.
Description: Alcohol virtual device control library
Original: alcoholx.dll
Product: Alcohol
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2000-2008
Version: 4.12.0 ( Build 0 )
Date: 2008/01/18
Size: 1244640 Bytes
Hash: f1274ca402d9296cd31eacc34a88bbea
File Name: C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\devsupp.dll
Company Name: Alcohol Soft Development Team
Description: Alcohol Software Device Capability Library
Original: devsupp.dll
Product: Alcohol Software Device Capability Library
Copyright: Copyright(C) 2002-2006 Alcohol Soft Development Team
Version: 2.5.4 ( Build 222 )
Date: 2008/02/22
Size: 60288 Bytes
Hash: 4b22ef831539d9f5b6923d3d286141e7

########################### User Information ###########################
Licensed to: UN-REGISTERED
Registered User ID: UN-REGISTERED

########################### Options Setting ###########################
Devices control interface: Default Driver Control Interface
CPU Priority Level: High
Memory Buffer Size (MB): 201
Examine the accuracy of data read from physical device: Yes
Enable Enhanced Weak Sector Scanner during dumping: No
Overburn disc(s): Yes
Turn off "Auto-Select best write speed" function if possible: No
Fill memory buffer before recording discs: Yes
Book Type DVD+R/DVD+RW disc as DVD-ROM while burning: No
Ignore Media Type: No
RMPS (Recordable Media Physical Signature) Emulation: No
BAD Sectors Emulation: No
Sub-Channel Data Fixed & Emulation: No
Laserlock Emulation: No
Current Language: Simplified Chinese

############################ Device(s) List ############################
(G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112 (atapi, Port 1, Bus 0, Target 1, Lun 0)
(H:) TN0222G GTK143C (apzs1ecs, Port 2, Bus 0, Target 0, Lun 0)

##################### Installed Device Drivers List #####################
ACPI.sys ACPIEC.sys afd.sys ALCXWDM.SYS Alidevice.SYS
apzs1ecs.SYS atapi.sys Beep.SYS BOOTVID.dll Cdfs.SYS
cdrom.sys CLASSPNP.SYS disk.sys dmio.sys dmload.sys
drmk.sys Dxapi.sys dxg.sys dxgthk.sys fat34.sys
fdc.sys Fips.SYS fltMgr.sys Fs_Rec.SYS fsvga.sys
ftdisk.sys hal.dll HIDCLASS.SYS HIDPARSE.SYS HidUsb.sys
HTTP.sys i8042prt.sys ialmnt5.sys imapi.sys intelide.sys
intelppm.sys ipnat.sys ipsec.sys isapnp.sys kbdclass.sys
KDCOM.DLL kmixer.sys ks.sys KSecDD.sys mnmdd.SYS
mouclass.sys MountMgr.sys mrxsmb.sys Msfs.SYS msgpc.sys
mssmbios.sys Mup.sys NDIS.sys ndistapi.sys ndisuio.sys
ndiswan.sys NDProxy.SYS netbios.sys netbt.sys Npfs.SYS
ntdll.dll Ntfs.sys ntoskrnl.exe Null.SYS nv4_disp.dll
nv4_mini.sys OPRGHDLR.SYS parport.sys PartMgr.sys pci.sys
pciide.sys PCIIDEX.SYS portcls.sys psched.sys ptilink.sys
rasacd.sys rasl2tp.sys raspppoe.sys raspptp.sys raspti.sys
rdbss.sys RDPCDD.sys rdpdr.sys redbook.sys Rtnicxp.sys
SCSIPORT.SYS serenum.sys serial.sys SiWinAcc.sys spfz.sys
splitter.sys swenum.sys sysaudio.sys tcpip.sys TDI.SYS
termdd.sys uagp35.sys update.sys USBD.SYS usbehci.sys
usbhub.sys USBPORT.SYS usbuhci.sys vga.sys VIDEOPRT.SYS
VolSnap.sys wanarp.sys watchdog.sys wdmaud.sys win32k.sys

################## Detailed Information of Device(s) ##################

(G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112(1:1) detail information.
Vendor Identification: PIONEER
Product Identification: DVD-RW DVR-112
Production Revision Level: 1.21
Location: atapi, Port 1, Bus 0, Target 1, Lun 0
Support recording method: DAO, RAW DAO(96), TAO, DVD DAO
BURN-Free Technology: BURN-Proof
Auto-Select best write speed: Not Supported
-* Note: This information below is provided by the unit, it might be inaccurate. *-
-* This software does not use this information! *-
Removable media: Yes
Version: ATAPI (INF-8090i/INF-8020i/INF-8028i)
Response Data Format: 02h
CD-R Read/Write: Yes/Yes
CD-RW Read/Write: Yes/Yes
Read CD-R Fixed Packet: Yes
Test Write: Yes
DVD-ROM Read: Yes
DVD-R Read/Write: Yes/Yes
DVD-RAM Read/Write: Yes/Yes
Audio Play: Yes
Composite Audio and Video Data Stream: No
Digital output (IEC958) on port 1 Supported: No
Digital output (IEC958) on port 2 Supported: No
Mode 1 Form 2: Yes
Mode 2 Form 2: Yes
Multi-Session: Yes
BUF: Yes
CD-DA Commands supported: Yes
CD-DA Stream is Accurate: Yes
R-W Supported: No
R-W De-interleaved and Corrected: No
C2 Pointers Support: No
ISRC Supported: Yes
UPC Supported: Yes
Read Bar Code: No
Lock media into the drive: Yes
Currently drive Lock state: Unlocked
Prevent Jumper: No
Eject Command: Yes
Separate volume levels: Yes
Separate channel mute: Yes
Changer Supports Disc Present: No
Software slot selection: No
Side change capable: No
P through W in Lead-In: Yes


###################### Source Disc/Image Information ######################
类型: Nero 镜像
路径: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\[C][RPG]Shenmue_1_Disk_1_莎木_1_漢化版_by_Jeff.Ma\
名称: [DC][C]Shenmue_1_Disk_1.nrg
大小: 776.50 MB
区段: 2
轨道: 2

区段 01:
轨道 01: Audio, 长度: 000001(2.0 KB), 地址: 000000
区段 02:
轨道 02: Mode 2 Form 1, 长度: 348249(680.2 MB), 地址: 011401

####################### Dumping/Recording Progress Log #######################
********* Time stamp of this log file: 2009-8-26 15:01:34 *********
15:01:34 处理器信息:Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz (1998MHz)
15:01:34 可用内存:514,548 KB
15:01:34 缓存大小:201 MB
Recording Options: Use Overburning technology
Recording Options: Don't close the last session of current disc
15:01:35 启动 EFM 纠错引擎
15:01:35 载入镜像文件中: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\[C][RPG]Shenmue_1_Disk_1_莎木_1_漢化版_by_Jeff.Ma\[DC][C]Shenmue_1_Disk_1.nrg
15:01:35 来源信息: 区段: 2, 轨道: 2, 长度: 702.4 MB / 79:55:25
15:01:48 (G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112(1:1): 烧录模式/速度
15:01:48 烧录中 - RAW DAO - 4X (600 KB/秒)
(G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112(1:1): RAW DAO Write Mode - RAW-PW(96)
15:01:50 (G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112(1:1): 已激活 BURN-Free 功能
15:02:52 (G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112(1:1) - [Write Lead-In area ERROR]: 2251 - 11250
S:KEY - 03/0C/00 - "Write Error"
15:02:52 (G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112(1:1): 烧录失败!
15:02:52 错误消息: [03/0C/00] - Write Error
15:02:52 (G:) PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112(1:1): 烧录失败!
15:02:52 镜像文件载入已中止!
15:02:55 烧录过程中有错误发生!

级别: 模拟之星
UID: 293471
精华: 0
发帖: 852
威望: 5 星
金钱: 3132 浮游币
贡献值: 847 点
好评度: 2370 点
人气: 30 点
在线时间: 344(时)
注册时间: 2008-06-12
最后登录: 2025-01-06
沙发  发表于: 2009-08-27 09:22
