主题 : 【分享转贴】Dark-Alex新作~MAC 地址伪装者:MAC Spoofer 详细说明及下载
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楼主  发表于: 2007-12-14 15:24

【分享转贴】Dark-Alex新作~MAC 地址伪装者:MAC Spoofer 详细说明及下载

Dark_Alex.org 消息:
      DA最近没有闲着,自从发布了3.71M33-4之后,今天大神又更新了自己的官方主页,放出了一个新的自制软件Mac Spoofer,这是一个什么样的软件呢?其实这是一个可以任意改变PSP MAC地址的软件,不过不是从硬件上,而是通过软件发送一个伪装过的MAC地址给 WIFI 接收设备。

一起来看看软件的说明吧:PSP Mac Spoofer.
this is a plugin to temporally change the mac address that your psp sends to Access Points or other wifi devices.

This plugin does NOT:

- Change the mac address stored in idstorage (that's useless, as that is just to show the inf in xmb). Therefore you will

still see your old mac in system info.
- Change the read only mac address stored in the wlan chip.

This plugin DOES:

- Change the mac address that your psp will send to other wireless devices.
  This is useful if you want to hide your real mac address to other people for some reason,
  or if you want to bypass some mac filter protection of your neighboor :)

  You can see your spoofed mac address when you test a connection in the XMB, or if you look into router logs.
  By default, the Sony firmware "tells" the wlan chip firmware to use the internal mac address.
  This plugin just changes that.


- 3.71 M33. It may work in future M33 firmwares but it is not guaranteed.


- Copy PSP directory to your memory stick. Execute the MAC Spoofer install program.
  This program will reflash the configuration files changing a bit the modules load order.
  This is needed because the macspoofer plugin needs to be executed before wlan.prx.

- Copy seplugins folder yo tour memory stick, and activate the plugin in recovery in both, vsh and game.

The mac address will be spoofed to the address contained in /seplugins/mac.txt
You can use the characters RR to specify that macspoofer should randomize that byte


    -改变存储在idstorage里的MAC信息(这个模块其实是无用的,只是在xmb显示MAC信息), 因此即使使用了本软件,你在系统信息菜单中看到的还是原始的MAC地址。
    -修改在wlan 芯片(网卡)里只读的mac地址信息(这当然是不能的)
      默认情况下,SONY的官方固件"告诉" wlan 芯片使用内部的MAC地址,我的插件改变了这种工作方式。

      - 3.71 M33固件.也许可以在未来发布的M33固件上运行,但目前还不能保证一定可以。


      - copy PSP目录到你的记忆棒。执行MAC Spoofer 安装程序。这个程序会刷写配置文件更改一些模块的载入顺序。这是因为macspoofer插件需要在wlan.prx之前执行。
      - copy seplugins目录到你的记忆榜,在恢复模式里激活插件。
附件: macspoofer.zip (134 K) 下载次数:3
