Ç¿´ó»ªÀö»Ö¸´²Ëµ¥LE Recovery v3°æ·¢²¼£¬Õâ¸ö¹¤¾ßÏàÐźܶàÈË´ÓOE¿ªÊ¼µ½M33¾ÍÒ»Ö±ÔÚÓÃÁË£¬ÔÚ¼ÌÉÏ°æÖ§³ÖÁË3.71 M33-2°æºó£¬½ñÌìÍƳöÁËV3°æ£¬¿ìÏÂÔØ°É£¬±Ø±¸¡£
Time remaining with battery added
A USB OF/ON text add (see USB menu)
screen button problems has been fixed
AntiUpdate feature added (thanks to tOc, _HellDashX_ , and Coolj)
USB enabled via HOLD (without the menu) : just put HOLD to enable USB (and USB device, i.e. UMD, Flash or MS)
Settings :
Recovery Config : new organisation (new menu Color)
you now have the possibility to change the selection cursor color
Extends :
CPUSpeed : CPU Speed in VSH/GAME has been changed : you now only havechoice between the 7 configurations allowed by DA (20, 75, 100, 133,222, 266, 300 and 333)
Pandora : Backup Battery Eeprom, andRestore Battery Eeprom added (note : you can have some eeprom writingerrors, but your battery should still work)
vshMenu :
ISO Video added (see ISO Video for more informations)
USB (new) :
allow you to switch on/off USB
Known bugs:
ifyou use ISO Video to mount one Video ISO of your ms, you may (andprobably will) experience some freeze / problem with the plugin /problem to turn off the PSP. It's not a Recovery bug, but a M33 one.
Withthese new functions, there are sometimes some freeze, even if i don'treally understand where are the pb. I'll of course change this asap
thereis some problems with Toogle Flash, i do not tell you anymore to deletepConf.dat and config.se from flash1. So, you may have a freeze at thefirst use of the plugin. If so, simply Turn off the PSP, and then turnon again. It should be fine