
Why / how did you decide to create alternate upgrades for each creature in Heroes V?
The alternate upgrades is the major innovation that we had planned from a long time to include into “Tribes of the East”. This feature was actually hinted at in “Hammers of Fate”, with the renegades being the alternate upgrade for the Haven troops. It does increase the number of playable creatures by +50% - logically – and helps us smash a total of more than 170 creatures overall.
The basic gameplay idea behind the alternate upgrades is to give the players a new range of tactics, and to be able to adapt to each battle situation. Each range of upgrades has its own orientation, and you can easily mix any type of creatures to create your perfect tool on the battlefield.
Regarding the access to all upgrades, we have chosen to leave a complete liberty to the players. You are free to choose at any time which upgrade you want to buy, for a similar cost. You can also retrain your creature to change the upgrade, for a reduced cost. So you can adapt your army between each battle if needed.
Does they imply a lot of new tactics? Can you hint at some of them?
Can you give us some examples of new creatures?
All creatures have a new way of playing and fighting with the alternate upgrades
Take for instance the alternate gremlin who will fix during the battle your faulty golems – quite a handy man ! Or the skeleton footman who will complement the archer quite well, being more resilient and more aggressive. The elven sprites alternate upgrades have a use similar to the gremlins : they can heal your treants while healing themselves– you wont need them much until you get these treants, but they will be critical afterwards !
例如,升级的精怪可以在战斗中修理损坏的傀儡(咳……这不是旧的升级么……),新的骷髅步兵可以很好的配合弓手,精灵的新花精可以使用类似精怪的技能:她们可以治愈你的树精并治愈她们自身 - 当你没有树精的时候你可能不需要这些花精,但是当你有树精之后,她们将会成为影响胜利天平的临界砝码。