Emu Loader(EL)是一个针对街机模拟器 MAME、ZiNc、Daphne 和 AGEMAME 开发的前端程序,可以运行在 Windows 9x/ME、Windows XP、Windows 2000、Windows Vista 等操作系统下。通过 Emu Loader 运行 MAME 等模拟器,能够进行更专业的设置和管理,便于更好的对模拟器本身的功能进行扩展和补充。作为老牌的模拟器前端工具,EL 在界面和功能方面,都已经非常的成熟和完善。

无论是对于模拟器新手或老手,易用且强大的 Emu Loader 都是很好的选择。最常用的功能包括方便的游戏收藏夹列表、强大的游戏画面预览和截图、更多的视频模式及大小调整功能、完善的数据文件查询等等。另外,在 Emu 和 ROM 的管理和调试方面,EL 的强大和完善令人惊叹。总体来说、Emu Loader 是一款可以方便新手对模拟器了解和使用,也可以方便老手对模拟器及游戏管理和调试的好工具。

.fixed: Show/hide tool bar button in auto game info (image preview area) was not working
... games popup menu, "Game Documents" menu item
.fixed: When changing user description in favorite profile without changing the filename, a message
saying that the filename already exists appears
.changed: User favorites profiles have some changes:
-> User description is stored inside "\ini_files\favorites\favfile.el" files, under
"fav_username" entry
-> The "[Favorites]" section in "Emuloader.ini" is gone, and only the user filename is stored
now, in "[Preferences]" section, "FavoritesFileName" entry
-> File "\ini_files\favorites.ini" is not used anymore
IMPORTANT NOTE: You will have to define user descriptions again. Please go to
"Favorites - Profile Editor" for that
.removed: Some more icons
.added: Support for MAME 0.117u2 (file "\ini_files\bios_overwrite.ini" is no long
[ 此贴被Xiao555在2007-07-27 20:30重新编辑 ]