主题 : 【新闻】ZSNES 1.51
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UID: 6498
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金钱: 403079 浮游币
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在线时间: 4556(时)
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楼主  发表于: 2007-01-27 10:30

【新闻】ZSNES 1.51



Jan 24th, 2007 - Nach
I'm pleased to announce the 73rd release of ZSNES - ZSNES v1.51.

This release is mostly a bunch of bug fixes for things new and altered in v1.51.

On the emulation side of things, we now finally have 224 lines displayed correctly, and some minor timing fixes. Major emulation core changes won't be until a future release.

I would like to thank all those who reported bugs and sent in patches for v1.50, we've fixed roughly 3 dozen problems that cropped up with v1.50, including issues with loading older save states and various save state saving/loading problems, so this release should now be quite stable.

For SDL users who had sound issues before, we've made some fixes to that, as well as added support for libao sound output. Run configure with --enable-libao to get the new sound options compiled in. See zsnes --help for a list of drivers you can use. Feel free to play with each one and see which works best for you, there should be something to make everyone happy. Note however that certain older Linux versions have a bug in their threading which would cause all libao drivers to not output sound. If you're having such an issue, install a new Kernel.

Also requested many times in the past was separate input for each game. I'm pleased to announce that with our new PSR language, adding this greatly desired feature was a cinch, so enjoy!

Lastly, people who have enjoyed the movie features with v1.50 should be happy to see that we've expanded them even more. For those of you dumping to raw or AVI, you're now able to specify a logo file to use in the config file. You're now also able to dump past the end of a ZMV.

And saving the best for last, there is now a custom multipass lossy dump option with decent default settings so you can dump really tiny good quality AVIs of your runs (and tweak dumping settings to your heart's content in zmovie.cfg).

To those packaging releases for your distro, please see the notes for v1.50. Also make sure you review the configure options to provide the best build for your users. And please please include the documentation, located in docs/readme.txt and docs/readme.htm.

级别: 模拟小生
UID: 170588
精华: 0
发帖: 50
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2619 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 131 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 22(时)
注册时间: 2007-01-24
最后登录: 2011-10-09
沙发  发表于: 2007-02-04 16:41


v1.51 - January 25, 2007
All Ports:
- Rejoice for finally having 224 lines and them being shown properly in all
  cases. [pagefault]
- IRQ and timing fixes (fixes Chrono Trigger issues, Super Mario World, and
  others). [pagefault]
- Fixed bug with certain commandline parameters permanently overwriting
  config file settings. [Nach]
- Fixed bug with loading new ZMVs of a different version. [Nach]
- Loading ZMV with ROM mismatch prints a message. [Nach]
- Movie menu now has tabs and only shows proper options when available.
  [Deathlike, Nach, grinvader]
- Slight improvement to the Custom Res functionality. [Deathlike, Nach]
- Keep4_3Ratio option now only shows when necessary. [Deathlike]
- PNG files now use extended height in extended height mode. [Nach]
- Pausing, rewinding, and fast fowarding are disabled during movie dumping.
  [Nach, SamB]
- You can now force a movie dump length shorter or longer than the actual ZMV
  length. [Nach, Deathlike]
- Fixes for MEncoder check; added LAME check. [Nach]
- Custom dumping with multiple passes implemented. [Nach]
- Fixed some bad memory reads in command-line parser. Thanks grinvader. [Nach]
- Now there's an option to switch to replay mode while recording movies when
  loading a state and vice versa. [Nach, Deathlike]
- Fixed a bunch of bugs with certain save selection techniques not working
  right. [Deathlike]
- Fixed gui font overwrite problem after fixing a cheat. The dots should be
  gone now. [Jonas Quinn]
- You can now select the level of HQ filtering where applicable. [Deathlike]
- Many tweaks made to reduce GUI mem usage on all ports. [Deathlike]
- ZSNES now properly adheres to the command-line when Auto State Save/Load is
  used. [Deathlike]
- Quick exit key now adheres to Auto State Save/Load. [Deathlike]
- Inc/Dec Gamma toggles actually DO something. Gamma level is now definable in
  the config file. [Deathlike]
- Fixed bugs with playing back ZMVs of 2+ players at once. [Nach]
- Fix crash if you rewind farther than the game start in Kirby Super Star,
  Secret of Mana and some other games. [Jonas Quinn]
- Fix crashing if using rewind in a movie before rewind slot is filled. Thanks
  BoltR. [Nach]
- Readded the smoke effect. [Jonas Quinn]
- Fixed the Winter Gold crash (but not the freeze). [Jonas Quinn]
- Fixed crash in Super Demo World and possibly certain other large games.
  [Jonas Quinn]
- Fixed loading many old ZSTs. [Jonas Quinn]
- Fixed some bugs with movies which load from power on with SRAM. [Nach]
- Fixed some issues with DSP-4 movies. [Nach]
- Added ability to have game-specific input. Main input is now stored in
  zinput.cfg. [Nach, Deathlike]
- Added option in Config->Options for Screenshot format. [Deathlike]
- Fix crash on creation of ZMV if save path does not exist. Thanks Maximus.
- Logo support for AVI dumping. Set the logo file in zmovie.cfg; it can be
  gzip'd if you want. [Nach]
- Pick state menu (default - F3) now has wraparound. Praise Pac-Man!
- Config file cleanup for more understandability. [Deathlike]
- New Don't Save SRAM option. [Deathlike]
- More GUI cleanup and tweaking, also reorganization. [Deathlike]
- Removed the horrible-sounding Mono Surround Sound code. [Deathlike]
- Source cleanup. [Deathlike, Phil^, Nach, grinvader]
- Parsegen now allows one to define inside a PSR file to have it reject arrays
  from older config files. [Nach]
- Our assembly syntax shortener now is case-insensitive with new
  case-insensitive string class. [Nach]
- Archopt has updated flags, added GCC 4.2's -march=native support. [Nach]
- Parsegen now has atoui() which should fix reading very large values. [Nach]
- Ported more assembly to C. [Jonas Quinn]
- Misc. bug fixes. [Deathlike, Jonas Quinn, SamB, Nach, grinvader]

DOS Port:
- Fixed snapshots key from attempting to take a PNG when it cannot.
- Removed old DOS debugger at last. [SamB]
- Clock box option now does something in 8-bit modes. [Deathlike]

Win Port:
- Updated and improved NTSC filter. [Blargg, pagefault, Deathlike]
- Added 1600x1200 S Full to Windows port for consistency. Fixed details of
  1600x1200 S Win. [Deathlike]
- Fixed crash with HQ4x in windowed mode with Hi-Res Mode 7 on. [Deathlike]

SDL Port:
- Fixed broken option on Mac OS X; load menu shouldn't crash anymore. Thanks
  phf. [Nach]
- Made WIP launch message berate users for not using --enable-release if it
  was an official release. [Nach]
- Added option to define configuration directory. [Aerdan]
- Mac OS X config directory now defaults to Library/Application Support/ZSNES.
- Symlink support for matching ROM name to files. [Nach]
- Updated and improved NTSC filter. [Blargg, pagefault, Deathlike]
- More accurate NTSC ratio. [pagefault]
- You can now use libao for sound, compile with --enable-libao, also see
  zsnes --help for a list of drivers to use. [Nach, Bisqwit, grinvader]
- Unit testing done; off by one errors in audio sample output fixed. Thanks
  hakonrk and grinvader. [Nach]
- Now supports ~ (home directory) in various places, most notably ROM loading.
- Fixed some filtering and video refreshing issues. [Deathlike]
- Fixed Bilinear Filtering on startup. [Deathlike]