主题 : 【其他】一些faq的翻译+资料...
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
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楼主  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:01



5.4. DiscJuggler: Illegal Field errors

This problem is sometimes issued when the CD Recorder encounters a track it cannot burn, the most common of which are tracks less than 300 blocks long (4 seconds). While some burners can burn these tracks with no problem, some recorders cannot. Use CDIFix (more info here) or TrackMerge on the CDI to fix this problem. If the error still occurs, you might have some success with CDI2Nero.

DiscJuggler: Illegal Field错误

[ 此贴被YZB在2006-04-11 14:22重新编辑 ]
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
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沙发  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:29

6. Other Questions

6.1. Newer Non MIL-CD DCs and workaround
Thanks to DJ Motion from isonews, jc, OEM, and Xeal on dcwarez
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
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板凳  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:29

6.2. Enabling VGA support - BootCD and Self-boot games
Credits to jc of dcwarez.


Boot CD
The original Utopia Boot CD 1.1 does NOT contain the VGA initialization code necessary... there IS a patch for the Boot CD image that will help with some games available from dccopyworld. The Utopia Boot CD 1.2 supposedly has the VGA patch applied to it, but is supposedly NOT an official Utopia release.

原始的 Utopia 启动盘【1.1版】并不包含所需的VGA初始化语句......对于这个问题,dccopyworld 有一个补丁可以使有些游戏可以使用(VGA输入)。 Utopia 启动盘【1.2版】包含了这个支持语句,但是这个不是官方的 Utopia 启动盘版本。

The Utopia Boot CD's main screen (with the reindeer) will display fine on most TV's, but the screen is in some special resolution/refresh that many monitors cannot handle, some monitors may actually be permanently DAMAGED when attempting to display this screen. Boot the Utopia Boot CD with the monitor DISCONNECTED from the VGA box. Replace the Boot CD with your non-boot game, wait 30 seconds for the game to load or check your VMU to see if the game is loading, THEN reconnect your monitor.

Utopia 启动盘(有那只rein鹿的)主启动界面,在几乎是所有的电视上显示都没有问题,但具有特殊的分辨率和刷新频率(的这个)画面,许多的监视器(上就不同了)无法掌控,有的监视器会在显示这个画面的时候永久损坏。(请切记)用VGA盒启动时,请将监视器断开。用您的不可自启动的游戏替换 Utopia 启动盘后,等待30秒,让游戏从 VMU 中检查、载入您的进度文件后,再将监视器驳结(在 VGA 盒上)。

Self-boot games
Not always, the person who patched the game to self-boot has to enable the option to use the VGA-box when they patch the IP.BIN file. Also, if you still have the *.CDI file you can hex-edit the file. Just follow these steps:

并不是所有的人都在通过修改 IP.BIN 文件给游戏打直读补丁的时候,也将 VGA 盒选项置为“可使用”。如果您还有那个 “CDI” 文件的话,您可以使用16位编辑器编辑,跟着我下边的步骤一起来:

Open FILENAME.CDI in your favorite hex editor. And do a search for "KATANA".
使用您喜欢的16位编辑器编辑您的那个 “CDI” 文件,搜索 “KATANA”

Scroll down a little until you see the string "JUE" (see vgafirst.jpg).
向下一点,您可以看见字符串 “JUE”

Change the number string after "JUE" to "0799A10" (see vgasecond.jpg).
将字符串 “JUE” 后的数字串更改为 “0799A10”

Save your new file.

Burn, and enjoy on your VGA box.
刻录您的文件,并在 VGA 盒上欣享(您的成果)吧

Note: the pictures are from the CNN re-release of Soul Calibur.
注:图片是出自 CNN 发布的 “魂之利刃” 游戏
【译者注:图片丢失,file not found, soooooooooo sorry】
[ 此贴被foryouone在2006-03-27 19:13重新编辑 ]
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
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发帖: 64
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地板  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:30

6.3. Removing the Echelon intro
Credits to jc of dcwarez.

Some people may wish to remove the Echelon intro for one reason or another, a major one being that the intro sometimes screws up the sound/music initialization in their rip of Unreal Tournament (making it emit a nasty screeching sound until a game is started).
(Following example applies to DOA2LE. You can use a similar method for the other games, but the file size will be different.)

Extract the 1ST_READ.BIN file from the CDI or your CD.
Fire up your hex-editor (I like HEdit or Hex Workshop) and open 1ST_READ.BIN, go to offset 0xF0000 and copy the Hex all the way to 983040 (the end).
Make a new file 1929928 bytes large, and paste the contents of the clipboard into it.
Save the file, and place it into a directory (ie, C:\SELFBOOTDOA2LE), and extract the data from the CD or the CDI file into that directory as well. Now just follow ECHELON's self-boot tutorial and re-image the CD.

这个请大家看看,俺不懂什么叫做 Echelon intro【阶梯型介绍】
特别是DC fans
[ 此贴被foryouone在2006-03-27 19:15重新编辑 ]
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
精华: 0
发帖: 64
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贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 107 点
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在线时间: 5(时)
注册时间: 2005-09-20
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草席  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:33

6.4. Where can I find a hacked PSO key/keygen?
我在什么地方可以找到 PSO 的 序列号或者是序列号生成器?

There are NO generic or common working keys or keygens available. The Phantasy Star Online key, or serial, becomes dependent on your Dreamcast's system date/time and network settings. Clearing out your network settings will render your PSO savegames USELESS. You must contact Sega to obtain a new key to play online again, and you have to start over from square one. When someone uses a key it gets registered with Sega, and becomes valid for that DC only. Some people have rented the game from video stores and successfully obtained keys, others buy the game to get the key and return it, however many stores have either been instructed to NOT accept returns on PSO, or already have policies in place barring it.

Needless to say, if you like the game and plan on spending a good amount of time in it, BUY the game. It's the only surefire way to play online.
[ 此贴被foryouone在2006-03-27 19:23重新编辑 ]
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
精华: 0
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金钱: 1485 浮游币
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在线时间: 5(时)
注册时间: 2005-09-20
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5楼  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:36

6.5. Do CDRWs work on Dreamcasts?
CDRW 可以在 Dreamcast 上正常工作么

Some Dreamcasts will read CDRWs out of the box, but many won't. There are a few guides available on how to adjust the laser's gain to read CDRWs, but if done improperly, it will read CDRWs but NOT read CDRs or original DC GDROMs, or sometimes won't read both. If you have the know how, you should adjust the gain pot resistance to 544 ohms. (Thanks to: ramencup, arrid, faceless, and rattrap for the thread on dcwarez.)

(虽然)有些 Dreamcast 主机可以读出 CDRW,但是大部分还是不行。我们可以提供给您建议如何调节激光增益来读取 CDRW,单如果您操作不当,可能会导致只能读取 CDRW 不能读取 CDR 或者是 Dreamcast 的 GDROM,或者是两者都不能读取了。如果知道如何去做,您应该将增益点电阻调至 544 欧姆。
(感谢:ramencup, arrid, faceless 与 dcwarez 的 rattrap)
[ 此贴被foryouone在2006-03-27 19:35重新编辑 ]
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
精华: 0
发帖: 64
威望: 5 星
金钱: 1485 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 107 点
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在线时间: 5(时)
注册时间: 2005-09-20
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6楼  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:38

6.6. Clearing the Dreamcast internal memory
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
精华: 0
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7楼  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:39

7. Glossary / Terminology

7.1. GD-ROM

GD-ROMs use Yamaha technology and can hold 1.2GB of data on a normal CD. CD-ROMs hold their data in binary format, in one continuous 'groove' on the CD, much like a record player. The big difference between a GD-ROM and CD-ROM is that the GD-ROM's 'grooves' are packed closer together than the groove on a normal CD-ROM, and the GD-ROM uses special CD session layouts. (unverified)

7.2. CDDA and Downsampling

CDDA means that the game has the original CD Digital Audio tracks from the original game. When a 1.2GB game won't fit on a normal 700MB cd, sometimes groups will downsample the audio or video. Downsampling is the practice of reencoding FMV/video files or digital audio at lesser quality to save space. Sometimes the groups must leave the digital audio off completely, resulting in empty tracks and missing game music.
CDDA 意味着游戏采用了原始的 CD音轨。当1.2 G的游戏无法在 700M 的CD上存储的时候,有时(CRACKER)会对音频和视频降低取样。降低取样会减少存储空间,有时候他们会将所有的音轨全部用空音轨替换,这样游戏就没有音乐了。

7.3. NTSC/PAL Video formats and other misc.
N 制式 和 PAL 制式以及其它杂项

USA/Jap - NTSC 60hz
美国/日本使用 N 制 60赫兹

Europe - PAL 50hz
欧洲使用 PAL制 50赫兹

VGA - Game supports the VGA Box/cable. The VGA Box allows you to hook your Dreamcast to a VGA monitor.
VGA 游戏支持 VGA盒和VGA 线缆。 VGA盒支持将您的 Dreamcast驳结到 VGA 监视器。

SCART - video lead commonly used in Europe.
SCART 欧洲经常使用的制式

Multi/Multilang - Game has multiple in-game language options.
Multi/Multilang 游戏有多重语言选项

Ripped - common with cd audio and movies. If an intro is 'ripped', the physical movie is deleted and an empty file is put in it's place, so the game will still access the file as if nothing is wrong but the original intro is omitted to save space.
Ripped (阉割版) 通常指得是音频和视频数据。如果(NFO中)说文件是“阉割版”,可能原版的影像被删除了,并用一个空(视频)文件替换上,这样游戏没有问题,但是(有可能)原始的介绍被删除来节省空间了。

Repack - when a game is deemed unplayable due to the releasing group missing a copy protection point or something similar, they may issue a repack which is usually a full working re-do of the release. In contrast would be a patch where a user can apply or reburn a patch to their broken copy to make it fully functional.
Repack (重新制作) 如果一个游戏发布以后由于(CRACKER)发布时丢失数据或者其它原因导致不能正常游戏,他们会再次发布一个可以正常使用的重新制作 (Repack 版)。与之相对应的是补丁(您可以用补丁使原来的不能使用的版本正常使用)。
[ 此贴被foryouone在2006-03-27 20:08重新编辑 ]
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
精华: 0
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金钱: 1485 浮游币
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好评度: 107 点
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在线时间: 5(时)
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8楼  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:39

8. Downloads and Links

DC News & Forums
dreamcast.ign.com - for reviews, previews, and Sega news.
SwirlvisionSega news.
Gamefaqs- for all your video game strategy FAQs and codes and cheats.
ISONews - for release information, NFOs, and messageboards
DCWarez - for release information and messageboards - mostly dead now
CDROM-Guide - helpful, clean, low spam messageboards
DC Copy World   - for patches and other utilities

DC CD Covers

DC Tools / Utilities / Development
Marcus Comstedt's DC Development Page - the original
xeal.cjb.net   - home of BIN2Boot
cdirip.cjb.net - home of CDIRip & CDI2Nero
Xena's DC Selfboot Toolkit - great page!
DCEmulation - good newbie FAQs and DC emu news
Jules'Dreamcast Development Site - good news
Hitmen Console - one of the early DC dev groups
Hydras World    

VMU Games/Development
Booyaka - VMU gamesave forums and developement

CDR Software Downloads
Padus - home of DiscJuggler
GoldenHawk - home of CDRWin
Ahead - home of Nero Burning ROM
IgD's CDR Portal - home of Fireburner
CDRSoft.net - CDR Software Downloads (cracked & full version)
astalavista - crack search engine

Dream On: Dreamcast Portal
[ 此贴被YZB在2006-03-27 21:28重新编辑 ]
级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 65840
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9楼  发表于: 2006-03-27 17:40

9. Credits / Disclaimer

This FAQ is a compendium of many different FAQs, pages, and message board threads available on the web, I've just taken time in cleaning it up and trying to make it as concise and informative as possible. Credits go to their original authors. I am collecting *NO* money off this. Any banners or popups you see here are the result of using free ISPs, or redirection and stat tracking services.

Many thanks to the groups listed in the introduction for the initiative and hard work in ripping and cracking the games, thanks to the sites listed in the links above for the passing of knowledge and information, thanks to the non-lamers in the scene for helping others and keeping things moving.


A-Dog (sicboy) darque xblahx DJ Monkeyboy
DJ Motion (isonews) jc (dcwarez) ramencup (dcwarez) arrid (dcwarez)
faceless (isonews) rattrap (dcwarez)  

This FAQ is intended for educational purposes only. Using any of the knowledge given to you by reading this FAQ is YOUR personal responsibility. The author claims no liability or responsibility in how others use this FAQ. This FAQ is NOT to be sold under any circumstances. You break it, you bought it. No shirt, no shoes, no service.
Please e-mail or sign my guestbook with suggestions, corrections, or to be credited for a section I may have ripped off. Likewise, if you wish to use any part of the DreamFAQ or mirror it in it's entirity, please let me know.

?2001 dole. All rights reserved.
[ 此贴被foryouone在2006-03-27 20:29重新编辑 ]
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10楼  发表于: 2006-04-11 14:30

Buying a CDR Compatible Dreamcast

Until recently, the general consensus was that any Dreamcast could run homebrew software. Of course I had to be to the one to buy a dud, resulting in the knowledge that not all Dreamcasts are compatible with cdr.

Note: The information provided below is for the US. Supposedly all PAL Dreamcasts are compatible with cdr.


When buying a system, the absolute safest way of going about it is to request a system made in 1999. Most Dreamcasts from 2000 are compatible with cdr, but I'm trying to establish a scenario that's as safe as possible. At Gamestop etc the clerks will look at you strangely, so explain to them that some of the newer systems have problems with certain software. If they inquire, just mention Bleemcast. Explain that the date of manufacture can be found on the bottom portion of the bottom label and they'll be willing to help you out.

购买系统时,在1999年制造的好似绝对安全的。大部分2000年的DC是兼容CDR的。但我会努力去建立一个说明,尽可能 的保证安全。在Gamestop etc的记录员将会看到you strangely,所以要解释给他们说,一些新的系统运行这个软件时存在问题。如果他们询问的话,仅仅是涉及到Bleemcast。解释的日志可以被找到在最下面的部分里。这些东西被写来给你帮助。

The problem is, on the last few revisions of the Dreamcast, Sega removed the ability to run mil-cds aka cdrs. If you get stuck with one of these systems, unfortunately there is no workaround. Look out for this bad boy below:
现在的问题是,在最后一些版本的DC中,SEGA去掉了运行mil-cds aka cdrs的功能,如果你是使用的这些系统之一,很不幸不能工作。在下面可以查看这些坏的记录 :

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11楼  发表于: 2006-04-11 14:45

made in china

级别: 见习斑竹
UID: 12457
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12楼  发表于: 2006-04-11 18:08

引用第11楼newayjia2006-04-11 14:45发表的“”:
made in china

