Full health:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Down(3), R2, Up(2), Down, Up, R2 during
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Reload ammunition for current gun:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Right(2), Down, Up, Left, Right, Left(2),
R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Refill ranged weapon ammunition:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left(2), Up, Down, Right, Left, Right(2),
R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Shotgun with full ammunition:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left(3), Down(3) during game play. A
message will confirm correct code entry.
All items and weapons except for Gonzo Gun:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, R2,
Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, R2, Down(3), R2(2)
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Gonzo Gun:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left, R2(3), Right, Left, Right, Left,
Up, R2(3), Down, Up, Down, Up, R2 during game play. A message will
confirm correct code entry.