主题 : [分享]Chankast目前能模拟的游戏列表
级别: 模拟新血
UID: 12410
精华: 0
发帖: 34
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2635 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 5(时)
注册时间: 2004-09-29
最后登录: 2007-07-12
楼主  发表于: 2004-09-29 16:50


Chanka官方完全测试报告如下(Chankast alpha v0.2a):


18轮大卡车 (日): 可运行,游戏中速度很快,但声音还有点问题

Aerowings: 菜单可运行,不再是黑屏,看起来很好,但需要更多的测试才能确认

Aerowings 2: 虽然不是太完美,但看上去还行,字符有错误,需要更多测试

玩具人大战: 运行很快,但游戏中有很多问题.材质丢失.用chankast_old_gfx.exe对画面支持比较好

生化危机-维罗尼卡完全版 (日): 运行几乎完美(某几个场景好象游戏会死机,请妆Ρπ查找相关帖子)

蓝色潜水艇6号: 似乎运行得不错

炸弹人 (日): 可运行,菜单不可见

Border Down: 可运行,接近完美,可能第一关过后会出现问题

Buggy heat: 菜单混乱,但游戏中非常好

Cannon Spike: 接近完美,菜单和贴图有点错误,似乎在第二关会出现问题

Capcom vs SNK: 可运行,接近完美,菜单显示非常慢,但游戏中很快

Capcom vs SNK Pro: 全速运行

Capcom vs SNK 2 (日): 可运行,有点小问题,比较慢

Charge N' Blast: 运行很好,声音方面有些问题,也许会提示你I/O错误,但还是可以运行的

Chu Chu Rocket: 还行,声音方面不是太好

Coaster Works: 接近完美,尽管我自己没运行成功

Confidential Mission: 可运行,几乎完美

Cool Boarders: 可运行

Cool cool toon (日): 可运行

Cosmic Smash: 全速运行,很少出现故障(暂停界面)

疯狂的士: 可运行,截图效果非常好

疯狂的士2: 运行得很好,偶尔在接客时速度比较慢,有一点小小的图形问题,用0.1版

Dave Mirra Free Style BMX: 可运行,有一点图形错误

梦游美国2001: 可运行,但会出现游戏停顿,不响应

死或生2: 可运行,速度比较慢

死或生2限定版 (日): 可运行,速度比较慢(下载时注意要下直读版)

Demolition Racer: 可运行,但退出功能不正常,还有一点FX错误

Digi Charat Fantasy (J): 可运行,接近完美

恐龙危机: 可运行,接近完美,速度非常快

Disney's Dinosaur: 运行完美,而且非常快

Donald duck quack attack: 全速完美运行,有一点图形错误

Dream Passport 3: 可运行

海豚: 可运行,有一点图形错误

Eldorado Gate: 可运行,完全可玩

Evil Dead - Return to the king: 比较完美,除了坏蛋有时候看不见和背景音乐有点问题外

Exibition of speed: 可运行

Fighting vipers 2: 可运行,但菜单和生命条不可见

Fire pro wrestling D (日): 可运行,图形错误,试试打开"capcom hack"选项

Frame Gride: 可运行

Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge: 全速完美运行

Fur Fighters: 可运行,有一点错误

Gigawing 2: 运行的很好,要打开"capcom hack"选项

罪恶克星X: 全速运行, 图形几乎完美, 无音乐,好象玩过一局后模拟器会自动关闭

Gundam: Renpou vs Zeon DX (日): 可运行,2D画面有点问题.多个任务后游戏可能会死机,但也有玩友反映可继续游戏~

Gundam: Sidestory 0079: 运行良好,有一些图形错误,但可玩度很高

猎头者: 全速运行,用chankast_old_gfx.exe对画面支持比较好,但进第一个电梯时会出错,建议取档玩

Heavy Metal Geomatrix: 可运行,但游戏中有图形错误

死亡之屋 (美/欧): 可运行,接近完美,但日版不可以

斑鸠: 全速运行,接近完美,第2关通道某些子弹看不到

病血(Illbleed): 全速完美运行

入侵(Incoming): 可运行,但有不少问题

Industrial Spy: 运行的很好, 虽然屏幕有点混乱,可在浏览地图模式下玩

J联盟足球: 菜单界面非常非常快,声音也很好, 当比赛开始游戏速度会回复正常到基本可玩

街头涂鸦: 全速完美运行,声音也非常好

JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: 可运行,但游戏屏幕会被压缩得只有模拟器屏幕的一半

Kao the kangaroo: 可运行,有一点图形错误

拳皇2000(日): 可运行,虽然在对打时比较慢

拳皇2001(日): 可运行,虽然在对打时比较慢

拳皇2002(日): 可运行,虽然在对打时比较慢

Legacy of Kahn - Soul Reaver: 可运行,但贴图和声音有不少错误

Love Hina: 可运行,接近完美,字符显示有点问题

Love Hina 2 (日): 全速完美运行

漫画英雄对街霸: 全速完美运行

漫画英雄对街霸2: 可全速运行,接近完美.如模拟器崩溃有报告,可以知道是哪里出错

孤胆枪手2: 接近完美运行,除了狙击模式有点问题

大都会赛车(欧): 接近完美运行

Millenium Soldier Expendable: 完美运行

Mr. Driller: 完美运行

My Tennis Life: 可运行

Namco Museum: 可运行,也许会太快,调节SH4速度到合适位置

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ayanami Rei Ikusei Keikaku: 完全可玩,透明上有点问题

梦幻之星在线: 在ATI卡上运行接近完美,GeForce用户要打开wireframe模式,在0.2上也是如此,虽然速度很快

梦幻之星在线 ver. 2: 同上

Power Stone: 可运行,也许一回合后模拟器会崩溃

Power Stone 2: 有点问题, FPS不稳定,也许3回合后模拟器会崩溃

私立公平学院: 全速运行,也许一回合后模拟器会崩溃

Psyvariar 2: 可运行,菜单显示有点问题,当你死掉模拟器会崩溃

Puyo Pop Fever: 完美运行

Puyo Poyo 4: 可运行,菜单显示有点问题

Quiz Oh! My Goddess: 完美运行

Ready 2 Rumble: 可运行, 声音和图形方面有问题

Ready 2 Rumble Round 2: 同上

Record of Lodoss War: 完美运行

Red Dog: 完美运行,声音方面有问题

Rent a Hero No.1: 接近完美运行,图形方面有问题

生化危机-维罗尼卡 (美): 几乎全速完美运行,有时会无法出声,重启模拟器可解决

Revolver: 可运行

Revolt: 游戏中无声音

Rez: 可运行,图形方面有点问题

Rippin' Riders: 完美运行

Roommania #203 (日): 可运行,速度良好,菜单不可见

RPG Maker: 几乎全速完美运行

樱花大战4 (日): 可运行,图形方面有点问题,需要更多测试

Samba de amigo (所有版本): 可运行,速度良好

ScummVM 0.2.0: 图形回闪动,当停止时完美

Segagen Genesis emulator (Obsidian): 除了没声音外,接近完美运行,虽然速度比较慢

Sega Bass Fishing 2: 好象没有什么图形方面的问题,也许会比较慢

Sega GT: 可运行,当开始游戏时黑屏,看起来好象没反应的时候,可以通过不停地按小键盘上的"+"/"-"来跳过它进入游戏菜单界面.等正在进入游戏后,速度很好,而且图形方面也已经接近完美

Sega Marine Fishing: 游戏中全速,接近完美,不过主菜单看不见

Sega Memory card disk utility: 可运行

Sega Smash Pack: 接近全速完美运行,尽管速度有点慢

世嘉俄罗斯方块 (日): 接近完美运行,无音乐,玩一回合后背景会出现混乱,其他还好

Shadowman: 可运行,某些场景和声音好象无法工作,其他都还好

莎木一章-横须贺: 接近完美运行,记得要打开zwrite和alpha test zwrite.提示:去街机厅里玩某些游戏会造成模拟器崩溃

莎木2: 同上

Shikigami no shiro 2: 可运行

沉默狙击手 (美): 可全速运行,不过开狙击镜会出现花屏

Skies of arcadia (not the elchelon rip): 接近完美运行,全速,有一点点图形错误

Snow Surfers: 可运行,一些贴图出现混乱,还有一点声音上的问题

音速刺猬: 可运行,有一些图形错误(sonics的眼睛),也许过了第一关模拟器会崩溃

音速刺猬2: 可运行,有一些2D图形错误,也许过了第一关模拟器会崩溃,Nvidia用户可能会出现很多图形错误

灵魂力量: 接近完美运行,除了对战界面有点花屏和游戏中人物没影子外

Soul Fighter: 可玩度极高,只在背景图方面有些小小的问题

太空频道5 part 1: 接近完美运行,速度/声音都很好,唯一看起来有点错误的是Ulala的头部贴图

太空频道5 Part 2: 完美运行,知识在cilppy声音时有点慢

再生侠: 运行得很好,但2个玩家分屏游戏不可用,还有声音会不停的重复,其他都还不错

Speed Devils: 可运行, 但游戏中无法看到菜单界面,还有控制方面有点问题

蜘蛛人: 运行得很好

星球大战-杰迪骑士: 运行得很好

街霸3-3度冲击 : 可运行,图形方面有点问题

街霸Alpha3: 可运行

Stunt GP - 运行在40帧左右,接近完美

星球大战 Demolition (美): 只能运行在0.1版

Super Magnetic Neo: 可运行,图形方面有点问题

Super Puzzle Fighter II X (日): 全速完美运行,不过背景贴图有点错误

超级街霸II X (日): 高速运行,图形方面有点问题,推荐用0.1版玩这个游戏

Surf rocket racers: 可玩,图形方面有点问题,在我机器上只有15帧左右

Suzuki alstare extreme racing: 可运行,大概30帧左右,图形接近完美

Sword of the Berserk - Guts Rage (美): 可玩,2D图形有问题,打第一关BOSS时可能会崩溃

Tee off: 运行良好,截图看上去非常完美

Test Drive V-Rally: 全速完美运行

The Grinch: 声音无法工作,一些图形错误,但可玩读还是很高

东京巴士向导: 可运行,菜单画面有错误

首都高2: 菜单和游戏画面都有一些问题,但可玩度高,玩一段时间后模拟器会无响应

Tony Hawk's pro skater 2: 混乱的标题画面,进菜单时声音很糟,但游戏中声音完美,有一些图形错误,全速运行,可玩读高

Ultimate Fighting Championship: 可运行,一些字符显示有错误,但运行exibition模式时接近完美和全速, 虽然没有什么声音细节

虚幻竞技场: 可运行,需要一个非常好的机器才能正常游戏

V Rally 2: 可运行,图形方面有点问题

Vampire Chronicles: 可运行,而且接近全速

Vigilante 8: 菜单通常无法显示,但游戏中很好

Virtua Athlete 2k: 可运行,图形方面有点问题

VR战士3: 可运行, 菜单画面时声音会自动重复,按A键跳过SEGA商标,全速

VR射手2: 接近完美运行, 声音有时有啸叫

WWF Royal Rumble: 没明显图形错误,接近全速运行

星红VCD播放器: 可运行,暂时没什么VCD,所以还没测试它是否可用

零式枪手2 - 可运行,菜单和贴图方面有点问题

Zombie Revenge: 可运行,需要比较长的时间载入游戏,游戏中全速且接近完美



Seven Mansions: screenshot shown, but no info given

Partially Working/Not playable in 0.1 (to be ammended):

Atari anniversary edition: MMU not supported (chankast 0.1) and crashed the emu (0.2a) (thx lenselijer)

Bangai-o: whole gamec only shows half of the screen, shows title screen and then it plays the game demo (with huge graphics bugs),black screen when you go ingame (thx lenselijer)

Disney Magical Racing: Loads fine, runs well, io error when starting a new game (thx AKS)

DoomDC: Works, if you extract the files using Winiso, descramble the 1st_read.bin file, then rebuild the iso using "mkisofs isoname.iso", load Chanka with the command line: chanka_alpha -file isoname.iso (Thx Trotterwatch)

Dream o Rama: Works, disc swap doesn't

Gundamn Battle Online (J): Works fine, apart from when in game text/info is not shown

PowerSmash (J): Minor Menu Glitches, Invisible Players ingame (unless you go foward to the net) original chankast works best (thx ScHlAuChi)

Record of lodoss war: Runs with glitches until death of any enemy (thx A-F)

Red Dog: Graphics overlay problems, also when you get hit and the red dog flashes white, it stays white until you restart. Missing firing sounds (thx Phreaky)

Seaman: req microphone (thx lenselijer)

Silver: Crashes after a while, all versions tried (thx rcgamer)

South Park Rally: Sound seems to work, but you only see some stars in the top of the screen (thx lenselijer)

Space Channel 5 Part 2: loads but, wont gfx won't display in game (dc++ list)

Timestalkers: not playable, nice speeds and graphics, but as soon as you enter the first room, it crashes the emu at the loading screen (thx lenselijer)

Uefa dream soccer: Menus work with capcom & normal chankast, not visible with new_Gfx, ingame players are messed up, making it hard to play (thx Drunkard)

Utopia boot disk 1.5: Doesn't let you swap cds

Vigilante 8 2nd offense: huge graphical problems, so not playable, use the normal chankast (thx lenselijer)

Virtua Tennis: Works, but players are invisible

Virtua Tennis 2 (NOT the echelon rip): graphics are pretty nice with some glitches, sound skips alot, controls dont work after serve

Wacky Races: you only see half of the screen and when ingame there are heavy graphics errors which make it impossible to play.


机器人大战ALAPH: 无法运行,在出现SEGA LOGO画面后黑屏,模拟器无响应(感谢网友plough2000提供)

3D Tetris (thx yop)

90 Minutes Sega Championship Football: Black screen (thx yop)

Alien front online: Black screen

AquaGT: Black screen

Bang! gunship elite: crashes emu (thx lenselijer)

Beats of rage: Doesn't boot (thx yop)

Bleemcast Blue version (Beta): Freezes at sega logo

Blue Stinger: Crashes after intro (thx huangjc)

Bust a move 4 : Freezes at sega logo (thx yop)

Code Breaker: Doesn't boot (thx yop)

Dance Dance Revolution 2nd mix: Displays in 4th of the screen, and crashes after the memory card screen

Dangerous toys: Black screen (thx yop)

DC Gnu boy: Black screen

Death crimson OX: Closes emulator and doesn't boot

F355 Challenge: now hangs on the sega logo instead of AV error (thx refraction)

Feet of fury (Demo Version): Black screen

Gameshark CDR: Closes emu (thx yop)

Grandia 2: Doesn't work, crashes after you press start (thx jaregs)

Half-life: Doesn't work

Hello Kitty - Otonaru Mail (thx yop)

Neo Golden Luggers: Freezes at "now loading"

Hidden & Dangerous: Doesn't get past sega logo

NBA Hoopz: crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)

NesterDC (All): IRQ error

Next Tetris (thx yop)

NHL 2K2: Crashes after echelon intro (thx lenselijer)

Mag force racing: Doesn't boot (thx yop)

Mars matrix: crashed the emu (thx lenselijer)

Matt hoffmans pro BMX: Freezes at menu

Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 (thx yop)

Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 2 (thx yop)

Mortal Kombat Gold: Doesn't work

MTV skateboarding: hangs after intro movie(thx lenselijer)

Ooga Booga: Doesn't boot

Penpen Tricelon: Black Screen

Plumb: Doesn't boot

Q*Bert: crashes the emu

Razor freestyle scooter (thx yop)

Resident Evil 3 (U): Doesn't boot

Ridge Racer (Bleem!): Boots then crashes Chankas (thx Luka)

Runecaster: Black sceen/reeboots DC

Sega Extreme Sports (U): black screen (thx lenselijer & Wovou)

Sega Memory Card Utility Disc (thx yop)

Skies of arcadia (echelon): Doesn't work, try another rip

SmashDC: Black screen

Sonic Shuffle (thx yop)

Sno Cross: crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)

Sports Jam: Doesn't boot and closes the emu

Star Gladiator II: Closes emu

Street fighter III Double impact: shows capcom logo then returns to bios (thx lenselijer & yop)

TDC Final: Doesn't boot (thx yop)

Toy Racer: Crashes at nextgen TCP/IP logo

Virtua Cop 2 (thx yop)

Virtua Tennis 2 AKA Sega sports tennis 2002 (Echelon rip): Crashes when echelon screen is skipped

Wetrix Plus: hangs at sega screen (thx yop)

Wild Metal (thx yop)


4x4 Evolution: mmu not supported (thx lenselijer)

102 Dalmations - Hangs, but the intro Works

Action Reply CDX: Doesn't boot

Alone in the Dark 4: Doesn't boot

Arabian Nights: Doesn't boot

Armada: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)

Blaze MP3 Player: Doesn't boot

Bleem! for gran turismo 2: shows sega screen then hangs (thx lenselijer)

Bomberman Online: hangs the emu cuz of the echelon intro (thx lenselijer)

Buggy heat: no vga support (thx lenselijer)

Buzz Lightyear: Black screen

Carrier: Doesn't boot

Championship pro surfer: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)

Chicken Run: crashes when starting a new game (thx lenselijer)

DC Divx (All versions): Black screen

Dead or Alive 2 (All): Black Screen

Despiria: AV cable error

DreamSMS: Doesn't boot

DreamSNES 0.95: Doesn't boot (thx lenselijer)

DreamSpectrum: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Ducatti WRC: MMU error

Dynamite Cop: Doesn't Boot

Ecw anarchy rulz: shows intro movies then crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)

Elemental gimmick gear (e.g.g.): black screen (thx lenselijer)

ESPN NBA 2 night: shows title screen, then keeps loading (thx lenselijer)

Evil Dead: Hail to the King: AV cable error

Evil Twin: black screen (thx lenselijer)

Evo 4X4: MMU Not supported

F1 World GP 2: Menus are totally black, can't enter game (From dc++ list)

Fatal fury Mark of the wolves (Added from kurnis Post)

Feet of fury (Full version): Stops at loading screen

Fighting Force 2 (U): Shows FMVs, crashes on menu loading (all emus)

Floigan bros episode 1: Doesn't boot

Gauntlet Legends: black screen then emu crashes (thx lenselijer)

Giant Gram 2000: Doesn't boot, all emu versions tested (thx Waan2k)

GigaWing: shows capcom logo then only black screen, use capcom chankast version! (thx lenselijer)

GigaWing 2: crashes after select screen (thx Wovou)

Gunbird 2: Doesn't work, AV cable error

Hello Kitty - Garden Panic: MMU not supported (thx yop)

High Cube: Doesn't boot

House of the Dead 2 (J): Doesn't boot

Hydro Thunder (All versions): Emulator cd error (thx rcgamer)

Illbleed: hangs after the intro movie (thx lenselijer)

Iron aces: hangs at sega bios screen (thx lenselijer)

Jeffma Fighting Pack (MVSC2, CVSS2, SFA3): Doesnt boot (thx luka)

Jeffma Shooter Pack: Boots and goes into web browser to select game but when a game is picked to load the screen goes black (thx luka)

Jimmy White's Cue Ball: MMU not supported (thx AKS)

King of fighters evolution: no vga support (thx lenselijer)

Kiss psycho circus: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)

Last Blade: AV Cable error

Le mans 24h (E): black screen and "overrload" error (thx Wovou)

Looney Tunes: Space Race: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Macross M3: Doesn't work, Black Screen

Metal Slug 2 (Neo Geo CD Emulator): Boots then got to black screen (thx luka)

Milk: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Ms. Pacman: AV Cable error (thx spaffdog)

MSR Special edition (opel): Doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)

Musapey's Choko Marker: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

NCAA 2k2: Resets on entering menu (Does play video)

Neon Genesis Evangelion Type C: MMU error (Added from steamover's post)

Neon Genesis Evangelion Type E: MMU error (Added from steamover's post)

NetBSD: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Net of Tennis: AV cable error

Nightmare creatures 2: no vga support (thx lenselijer)

NBA 2K: Black screen after intro movie (thx lenselijer)

NBA 2K1: Crashes after demo (Added from Wovou's post)

NBA 2k2 (Added from kurnis Post)

NBA Showtime: no vga support (thx lenselijer)

NCAA College football 2002: Bug after the intro

NFL Blitz 2001: weird green screen after bios/sega logo (thx AKS)

Outtrigger: MMU not supported

PBA Bowling 2001 (Beta): Doesn't boot

Plasma Sword: Closes the emu (tried on all versions)

Pod speedzone: shows all logo screens then crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)

Prince of persia - doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)

Propeller arena: MMU not supported (Added from kurnis Post)

Psychic force 2012: emu crashes after you select arcade mode (thx lenselijer)

Puyo Puyo DA!: Closes emu (Both versions)

Quake 3 Arena (E): Goes to title screen, then back to bios (thx lenselijer)

Quake 3 Arena (U): plays intro movies then black screen (thx lenselijer)

Railroad Tycoon 2: MMU not supported, i don't think winCE is either (thx lenselijer)

Rayman 2: AV cable error, another rip seems to crash at new game (thx Phreaky)

Record of lodoss war: crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)

Redhat Linux: Crashes during loading kernel

Resident Evil 2: "MMU not supported"

Revolt (U) - crashes after 2nd Acclaim logo (Added from Wovou's post)

San francisco rush 2049: hangs at car select, use normal chankast version! (thx lenselijer)

Sega Bass Fishing: Doesn't boot

Sega GT (E): Black screen (thx lenselijer)

Sega Rally 2: Doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)

Sega Sports: NBA 2k2: Doesn't work, returns to bios

Sega Sports: NFL 2k2: Doesn't work, returns to bios

Slave Zero: Doesn't work, returns to bios

Soldier of Fortune: Doesn't work, black screen

South Park Chef's Love Shack: MMU not supported

Soul Reaver: AV cable error

Spirit of Speed 1937: "MMU not supported"

Star Lancer: "MMU not supported" (Added from Wovou's post)

Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (U): Hangs before main menu

Stupid Invaders (E): Black screen (Thx ScHlAuChi)

Super Runabout: "MMU not supported"

Super Speed Racing: Boots then goes to white screen (thx luka)

Sydney 2000: AV cable error (Added from lenselijer's post)

Tee off Golf: "MMU not supported"

Test drive le mans: plays 1 movie then a text appears onscreen: overload, doesn't go any further (thx lenselijer)

Tetris 4D: game loads, plays intro movie, then freezes before you can start a game (thx AKS)

Tetris Online: AV cable error

The Next Tetris: no vga support (thx lenselijer)

The Simpsons Quake Mod: Doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)

The Typing Of The Dead: Doesnt work, black screen (thx Luka)

Trick Style: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Tomb raider chronicles: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)

Toy Commander: audio cd menu (thx AKS)

Toy Story 2: Black Screen on boot (chanka then closes) (thx AKS)

Uefa striker: crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)

Urban Chaos: "MMU not supported"

Utopia boot disk 1.1: AV cable error

Vanishing point: Black screen (Added from Wovou's post)

Virtua On: Oratorio Tangram (J): Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Vitual Athletics: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Web Browser 2.6: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)

Who wants to be a millionaire?: Crashes after the first fmv, all emu versions tested (Added from trotterwatch)

World series baseball 2k1: Doesn't boot (Added from Wovou's post)

Worms World Party: "MMU not supported"

Xploder: Freezes on boot (thx AKS)

Yu Suzuki Game Works: Boots then just hangs (thx Luca)



原数据来自EmuTalk.net/Chanka,汉化及修改部分by EZBBS.SamYu

级别: 模拟菜鸟
UID: 16711
精华: 0
发帖: 180
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好评度: 42 点
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注册时间: 2005-01-27
最后登录: 2008-06-20
沙发  发表于: 2005-01-29 12:42
