Do not worry about the language, English is not my language either, I am Spanish.
I have to use a translator also for English, so it costs me the same job having to translate the English language than the Chinese :)
I only write in English, because I gave me the permission for it, since the translator plays bad passes when translating to Chinese.
On the CDI, I edited the SRAM of the CDI Metal Slug 6 and Kofxi and I burned them on CD without any problem and work perfect in real hardware.
Being good hand that is corrupted by ECC and EDC, but in console I have never had problems, it has only given me problems when trying to create a copy of the CDI.
I mean the game is recorded perfectly and without mistakes.
I know that in this game you have tucked the Boot Menu option with A + B and Start, but it is a stick to have to configure everything every time you want to play the game, that's why I've told you that if it is possible not to compress the SRAM. (Especially for future atomiswave cdi).
And in the case of Dolphin Blue I also do not ask you to do it now, only in case of any update of the CDI to take it into account.
PD: I would like to learn how to create this type of CDI, maybe if you can and when you have time you can make a tutorial.
I do not know if I'm on the right track, but they are similar to the CDI Bleemcast?
And finally, I have another problem with the limitation of characters in the Panzer Front, recently sent you a new email with the data, since I have managed to find the width of the characters and the spacing of the text, to be able to put more in the Windows, but it turns out that each line was limited to 0x0f and this limitation I have managed to remove it, but there is another limitation for all the window text that is the one that can not find.
When you can reviewed please :)
I feel bad to have to ask for help, I always try to do as little as possible and try to do things for my own means, but there are many things that I still can not understand :(
Greetings friend