http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/threads/354954-SNES4ALL-Beta-1 据说速度改进很明显....
- SNES4ALL notes -
Analog Joy Left for menu and Analog Up/Down for SNES select button.
Hold Start and Analog Joy Left for fast save state. And Hold Start and Alalog Joy Right for fast restore state.
Speed increased.
More accurate.
New menu options: Savestate, Save SRAM and Raster.
SD-Card and VMU support.
Hardware scaled screen resolution.
Assembler CPUs cores enabled.
Speed Up !
Operative Menu: Throttle/Frameskip/Transpanrecy/Sound
Fixed controls, 4 players supported.
Very early stage. SLOW !
Place your roms files when you want it, SNES4ALL has a filemanager and roms can be zipped.
http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/snes4all.html 支持sd卡的啊

[ 此帖被YZB在2011-04-01 11:13重新编辑 ]