主题 : 【求助】请达人给解释一下下列词组的意思
级别: 模拟小生
UID: 27778
精华: 0
发帖: 281
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2620 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 94(时)
注册时间: 2005-05-14
最后登录: 2005-11-06
楼主  发表于: 2005-05-30 16:52



ride into the sunset with...

If you're reading this, you're more than likely one of the many gamers who had held out hope that the Dreamcast would gracefully ride into the sunset with the US release of Shenmue II, the sequel to one of the best testaments to the system's power and the creativity of developer AM2. Would have been nice, wouldn't it? But, just as the series' lead character, Ryo, discovered when his father was brutally killed before his eyes, life can take some unfair turns. Now that Microsoft has the exclusive North American rights to the game for the Xbox, US DC owners won't ever get the chance to play the game on their console unless they import it. The painful part of the whole mess is the sad fact that Shenmue II is so much better than its predecessor, refining nearly every aspect of the original. It's a polished game that serves as a showcase for the DC and the evolution of the RPG genre, and fans should definitely find a way to play it.

[ 此贴被tenken3在2005-06-03 11:45重新编辑 ]
级别: 模拟小生
UID: 27778
精华: 0
发帖: 281
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2620 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 94(时)
注册时间: 2005-05-14
最后登录: 2005-11-06
沙发  发表于: 2005-06-03 11:38


playing favorites

Clocking in at a budget minded

By this point, Resident Evil tale is a well-trodden one. Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield are the main characters, and they find themselves trapped in Raccoon City, surrounded by zombies. It seems the T-virus has swept through the city and transformed the entire populace into flesh-hungry critters looking for the last few uninfected survivors. Leon, conveniently enough, must face all this chaos on his first day on the job, while Claire is looking for her brother Chris, who had set off to stop the evil organization Umbrella. The game was originally released for the PlayStation, reissued with Dual Shock support, ported to the PC, and, surprisingly, crammed into a super-duper extra-large cartridge for the N64. Well, Capcom isn't playing favorites and has decided to offer the game, again, on the Dreamcast. Clocking in at a budget minded $19.99, RE2 for DC is a fairly attractive value for Dreamcast owners who haven't already played it on another platform.
级别: 模拟小生
UID: 27778
精华: 0
发帖: 281
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2620 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 94(时)
注册时间: 2005-05-14
最后登录: 2005-11-06
板凳  发表于: 2005-06-03 11:42

1, Out Colony

From below:

Exclusive: Xbox 360 In-Depth Video

This extended video feature goes behind the scenes with everyone on the Xbox team, for a detailed look at 360.

By now, you've seen the announcement and learned the facts. And before we offer up more in-depth coverage later tonight, we wanted to share with you this new documentary - a different feature to the earlier Out Colony unveiling video - that goes behind the scenes and discusses several topics that we think might be of interest.

2, run-of-the-mill

From below:

Story-wise, it's pretty much the usual run-of-the-mill stuff... you know, the Soul Calibur - a holy sword - has been created to oppose to the Soul Edge, an evil sword which corrupts human souls. The power of the Soul Edge drove many adventurers and mighty warriors to seek the sword. Every time the evil sword rises, the Soul Calibur will rise to fight the brutality.

3, soaking up this baby[/

From below:

We haven't seen the video anywhere else, so make sure you waste no time in soaking up this baby. It's probably worth pointing out that this is nothing to do with the MTV feature (thank God).

4, franchise

From below:

The soul still burns in SoulCalibur III
Meanwhile, Namco US's Business Unit Director, Yoshi Niki, explained that the game "expands upon the landmark achievements of the franchise, and is undoubtedly one of the must-have games for PlayStation 2 owners in 2005. With a robust character creation system, jaw-dropping graphics and a large selection of fighters, SoulCalibur III gives players the ultimate opportunity to immerse themselves in one of the most beloved series in gaming."

Anyone could explain to me the meaning of the above terms? Thanks a lot!

级别: 论坛版主
UID: 12566
精华: 0
发帖: 174
威望: 15 星
金钱: 296397 浮游币
贡献值: 8700 点
好评度: 3516 点
人气: 601 点
在线时间: 309(时)
注册时间: 2004-10-08
最后登录: 2010-12-28
地板  发表于: 2005-06-03 12:53

级别: 模拟小生
UID: 27778
精华: 0
发帖: 281
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2620 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 94(时)
注册时间: 2005-05-14
最后登录: 2005-11-06
草席  发表于: 2005-06-03 13:43


有的是一点都不明白,如那个:playing favorites

有的意思根据上下文也大概可以猜的到拉,但是为什么这么说却很奇怪,如:make sure you waste no time in soaking up this baby,为什么要说“吸收婴儿”?

级别: 论坛版主
UID: 12566
精华: 0
发帖: 174
威望: 15 星
金钱: 296397 浮游币
贡献值: 8700 点
好评度: 3516 点
人气: 601 点
在线时间: 309(时)
注册时间: 2004-10-08
最后登录: 2010-12-28
5楼  发表于: 2005-06-03 17:56

下面是引用tenken3于2005-06-03 13:43发表的:

级别: 模拟菜鸟
UID: 26486
精华: 0
发帖: 119
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2636 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 6 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 35(时)
注册时间: 2005-05-07
最后登录: 2013-12-05
6楼  发表于: 2005-06-09 08:41

感觉上OUT COLONY是一个游戏或影片的名字
级别: 模拟小生
UID: 27778
精华: 0
发帖: 281
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2620 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 94(时)
注册时间: 2005-05-14
最后登录: 2005-11-06
7楼  发表于: 2005-06-09 18:56

下面是引用狂気の天使于2005-06-09 08:41发表的:
感觉上OUT COLONY是一个游戏或影片的名字
